"Cooking Together"

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We drove to the Beach for about 5 hours or so, I didn't even sleep since I was so excited. Ryuu soon fell asleep, then I saw the beach it was beautiful, The deep blue ocean sparkling, and wave coming and other kids playing. I shook Shou,"Wake up!!", I also shook Lucy and Ryuu.

"Hmm.. What..??", Shou rub his eyes and drink some water. Lucy woke up and realize she was on Ryuu shoulder and she quickly back away, while Ryuu was rubbing his eyes."Ryuu-Kun!! I am sorry!!", Lucy said, I could tell she was embarrassed.

"O-O-Oh! I-It's okay!", Ryuu said. I am sick of those two..!! Some other students were also waking up their friends, we were all amazed by the beautiful water sea. Mrs. Joy walking in the middles and made an announcement.

"Okay Class!! We are all here and since I am sure you all sat with your friends they will be your roommates!", Mrs.Joy stop when she saw someone rise heir hand.

"Mrs.Joy, Is there more than 1 bed??", One student ask.

"There is 2 bunk bed, so you and your 3 friend can decide who sleeps where. Since Some class are on the opposite side of the beach so it will be our class, and 4 other class. So you all have to behave in front of other classes, come to the beach and we will all cook together and tomorrow we will all go to the beach!!", The student were most excited as I was.

We took our things and head to the place near the beach where we and the other class were staying. That house was huge and tall, while we were all walking there I took a chance to look around there were rocks around the edge and tall mountain things with greenery."You'll get left behind Donkey Face!", Ryuu called out.

"Shut up! Don't ruin my fun, just let me have fun without you for once!", I said and caught up with Lucy who was waving at me.

We got in our room,"I will sleep on the top Bunk and Lucy you can be on the bottom!", I said and she nod and start organizing her things. I got on top of the top bunk and so did Ryuu on the other side, I gave him a death glare.

"Lucy! I am going to call someone for a bit if you need me I'll be outside", I said, Lucy nod and I took my phone and went out the balcony.

Of course, I called Tomo, While I was waiting for him to answer I looked at the kids that were playing with their parent. Mom.. I miss her...

Then finally Tomo pick up.

"Hey! What's up Alice??", Tomo said.

"Oh! I just wanted know how you are doing??".

"I am doing fine, I am training with Jack and sometimes hangout with some friend I met".

"You are still training?!? Geez! Jack already know you are amazing! Just don't overwork yourself okay?!?", I said with a small concern. Then I heard the door open, I turn around.. It was Ryuu.

"So how is everything over there with Ryuu?? You having fun??", Tomo ask. Guh!

"Oh! D-Don't w-worry! Me and Ryuu are having a great.. Great time!! Hahaha!!", I fake it so Tomo wouldn't worry about me.

"Really?? I wish I was there stupid detention rules!! Alice I wanna see you, send me and picture of you and Ryuu!!".

"O-O-Of course..!!", I quickly ran over to Ryuu, I held up my phone in the air and faced us. 'Just do it! Or we'll all die!!' I whisper yelled at his ear. He did and I took the picture and send it to Tomo.

"You got it??", I ask Tomo.

"Yea! You guys looks like you're having fun! I can't wait for you to come back, sorry but I have to go Jack's calling me!!", Tomo said.

"Okay, tell Jack to stop pushing you around, and cya!", I hang up, and turn to Ryuu. Then I heard the teacher call and we rush down, we were near the beach with rocky shore. There were bag, and water sink with bowls and spoon and other things.

"Okay!! Everyone well make the best meal by working together!!", everyone held up the fist in the air. The girl wash some rice, boys chop onions and other vegetables.

Shou, Lucy, Ryuu and I were cutting meat with some other students. I was talking to Lucy while cutting, and I accidentally cut my finger.

"Crap!!", I yelled out.

"Alice, are you okay?? I'll go get a bandage", Lucy ran inside to get the bandage. Other student surrounded with concern looks on their face, I saw holing my finger that was dripping blood.

Then someone pull me and I came face to face with ..Ryuu. He looks at my finger, and took it in his mouth and sucked up the blood. I was shocked and it took me by surprised.

"R-R-Ryuu!!... W-W-What... a-a-are y-you d-doing?!?!?!", I yelled and the other student watched and murmured under their breath.

Ryuu let go of my hand,"You are useless...Be carefull next time!!", and all I could do was nod, as he left and went back to what he was doing.

WHAT HE HELL?!? WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED?!? Lucy arrived and put a bandage on my finger,"Thanks! Lucy", and she nod. We all went back to our work. In the end the 12 whole table was filled with food!!

I was tired, and VERY hungry." Okay Guys! You all did a great job!! Now time to eat!!", One of the teacher from another class yelled, and everyone dig in. The food were delicious, and it was more delicious since we all made it together.

There were Sushi, Curry and Rice, Miso Soup, Yakitori, Oden, and many other more. Out of all the food my favorite was Ramen!! WE all sat in a table and chat and talk together it was a great to this field trip.

I stole a glance at Ryuu, who was at the opposite table across from ours. He was chatting with his friend and seems to be having a great time. Then he turn his gaze at me and made an eye contact, His green eyes gazing deep into my eyes.

I then notice I was staring at him and I shook my head and when back to eating my Ramen."Alice, how is the Ramen??", Lucy asked taking a bite out of her sushi.

"O-OH! It's great! The best ever!", I replied with a thumbs up.

"I am glad! Everyone work so hard for it.. I notice Tomo-Kun is not here..Is it because of his detention??".

I nod,"Yea, I kinda wish he was here, He would really enjoy it..."

"I think he would..", Lucy was concern about Tomo as much as I am.

"Lucy, You hangout with Ryuu??",I smirk.

"E-E-Ehhh?!? Eh..Uh..Umm..Well..If Ryuu-Kun wants to..", Lucy's face was all red.

"I am sure he would love spending time with...You..", I don't know why but I felt like there was a big black hole in my heart when I said that. I try to ignore it and when back to Lucy. Today was fun, and kinda weird... At least we are going to the beach tomorrow!!

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