the demo

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After school, Esther and Kate went to Kirstin's house. It was Esther's idea, but Kirstin had asked. The three girls had nothing else to do, so hanging out at the Maldonado's was their best option.

They didn't really have anything planned. However, it did seem like a good idea for Esther and Kate to meet Kirstin's mom. Kirstin's dad was always at work and Kirstin barely saw him.

It was around 6 pm when Kirstin got the demo sent to her. She noticed it immediately, but decided to wait to listen to it until later. She had barely gotten to know her two new friends after all.

"So," Kirstin sat down on the couch, handing both Esther and Kate glasses of lemonade. "Tell me about yourselves."

The three of them share awkward glances before Esther scooted up to sit at the edge of the couch. She put her drink down on the coffee table and cleared her throat.

"I guess I'll start," Esther spoke up. "Anyways... I'm Esther. I'm a junior in high school just like the rest of you guys. I've known Kate since second grade, and I have a brother Avi, who's the school bass. Lots of people make fun of me but I ignore it often because ain't nobody got time for that!"

Kate laughed and Kirstin chuckled. Kate took a sip of her lemonade and turned to Kirstin, indicating the fact that Kate didn't want to go next.

Kirstin quickly glanced at her phone as if she was waiting for the demo, even though she had already gotten it. She was in the group chat. And every text besides the demo had some form of "hello" on it. Kirstin put her phone down and took a sip of her lemonade.

"My turn? Okay..." Kirstin acted as if she didn't know she was next. "Well, I'm Kirstin Maldonado. Some of my old friends called me Kirstie, but I feel like Kirstin's better, sounds more adult-y. I have no siblings and you two are my new friends. I love singing and I'm pretty good at choreographed dances. I'm also into theater and... That's it?"

Esther nudged Kate as if to tell her she had to go next. That wasn't a lie anyways, everyone in the group had said something except for Kate. Kirstin noticed Kate was slightly uncomfortable and checked her phone.

"The demo!" Kirstin interrupted, saving Kate from a more intense wave of anxiety. "Everyone, come over here!"

The two girls rushed towards Kirstin, and eagerly waited for her to press 'play'.

Kirstin began texting back. "Thx Kev, what song is it?" She typed.

Kevin had seen it pretty quickly because the typing bubble showed up.

"You'll see," Kevin responded with a winky face. The texting bubble showed up again. "Oh no, that text looks so wrong now..."

"It's ok," Kirstin texted back with the crying laughing face. Esther and Kate were getting impatient, especially Esther.

"Just press play," Esther grabbed Kirstin's phone. "I want to hear it today, ya know."

Esther pressed play. There were four voices, but five parts being performed. Whoever had the highest voice must have been singing Kirstin's part.

"It's ten past two..." The lyrics began. Kirstin didn't recognize the song, but admired how t was put together. She had already decided she loved it and the song had barely started.

"Y'all know this song?" Kirstin turned to her two new friends.

Kate shushed her. "I'm trying to appreciate the masterpiece."

"I'm going to take that as a no," Kirstin continued to listen to the song.

"I can't take this any longer, I need, I need you like water," the chorus began strong. The beatboxing and the bass were on point. Kirstin loved it.

"Turn it off," Kirstin grabbed her phone back and turned it off herself. "I've already decided."

"Aww," Esther whined. "I wanted to hear the rest of it."

"What's their band name?" Kirstin asked, changing the subject slightly. She was texting Kevin, probably to say she loved it.

"They don't have one yet, Avi said they're waiting for their last member before they pick a name," Kate responded. "I personally think they should have named it SMAK. You know? After all their first initials."

"And I say, if they named the band SMAK, I'd SMAK their faces," Esther crossed her arms. "And I'd SMAK your's too, Kate."

"SMAK sounds fine to me. There could be two K's when I join," Kirstin looked up from her phone. "But I'm thinking of something more music-nerdy..."

"Something to do with 5, maybe?" Esther suggested.

Kirstin put her phone down and smiled.




Well, at least I have some good content up.

I have a lot of Destiel AU's that I think you guys would enjoy, even if you don't watch SPN.

(If you don't watch SPN you should go check it out. I'd suggest watching some of the season finales if you want an insight on what the show is about but you can pick any episode on Netflix.)

Anyways, I'm talking too much.

I promise I'll have another chapter out as quickly as possible.


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