Chapter 10: Congratulations

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It was such a relief that no more scary eyes were already staring at you when you entered your classroom. However, Stephanie and Macy still darted you a look. As you sat on your seat, Chanyeol and Baekhyun greeted you a 'Good Morning' and you did the same.

Lay who just came in also greeted you as he sat beside you. The three of them so far were the ones that you already felt so at ease. Of course Chanyeol had been your friend ever since then.

Ms. Kang then was early for class. She discussed about the different theories on how the universe was created. She also reminded about your homework which was due on Friday. She also gave the class a seat work to do a reaction paper on a journal article about the latest development on genetic engineering.

It was already break time. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and you went together at the school cafeteria. However for you, it was a fine dining restaurant. As the cafeteria served various cuisines like Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, American and of course Korean.

"So what do you like to eat Min Na?" Baekhyun asked.

"Ahm, I think I want to eat spaghetti for lunch. How about you?" You also asked.

"I'll just eat bibimbap. Where's Chanyeol?" Baekyun said.

"He search first for a vacant table." You responded.

"Oh okay." He said as he already saw Chanyeol waving both at your direction. "I already saw him." Baekhyun added.

Baekhyun went to the Korean cuisine while you went to the Italian cuisine.

D.O and Suho were also lining up at the Italian Cuisine.

As you were about to line up, a girl bumped your shoulder from behind. The girl really did that on purpose.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed as she turned and faced you.

"Wait a minute, you're the one who bumped me at the first place and you're the one who's hurt?" You thought as you looked at her. You touched your shoulder as it quite hurts.

She looked at you and narrowed her eyes on you. "Ya! Just because you are the new officer you won't even say sorry?" She blurted out as some students were already looking at the two of you.

D.O and Suho whose already at the cashier turned their heads as they heard her loud voice. Then Suho noticed that it was you she was shouting to.

"D.O just wait here. I'll just check what's going on there." Suho said as he handed his payment to the cashier.

"What?! Are you just gonna stare at me? So you're the one who's mad now officer? Say sorry!" She shouted.

"I'm, I'm so-sorry." You uttered.

"What's the problem going on here?" Suho asked as he was already beside you.

You looked at him and you were surprised.

Suho looked at the girl. The girl could not looked at Suho as she was obviously guilty and was purposely just embarrassing you.

"I don't know who you are but what you did was so rude of you. Do you really have to shout if you are asking someone to say sorry. And why do you talk that way to our Supreme Student Officer? Don't you even know how to respect?" Suho said.

"I'm sorry Kim Jun Myeon." The girl said.

"Don't apologize to me, you apologize to Officer Han." Suho ordered.

"I'm sorry Officer Han." The girl apologized.

Chanyeol noticed that you were like in trouble. Baekhyun who just came holding his tray.

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