Chapter 2: Friendship

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*Regina's POV*

After Robin and i's little heart to heart chat Snow walked down the stairs.

"Momma I'm hungry." She said warming my heart.

"Okay pumpkin let's go get a snack." Then I realized I don't know where the kitchen was. Or where anything was for that matter so I just followed Snow.

When we got in the kitchen Snow and I sat at the bar while one of the workers grabbed Snow a snack.

"Momma?" Snow asked.

"Yes darling?"

"Do I have to go to school tomorrow? I want to stay home with you!" Snow wailed.

"Yes you have to go. And I still have to get settled." I said.

"But I wanna help you!" She said.

"How about this. While your at school I will get myself familiar with my surroundings and when you get back you can help me unpack. How's that sound?" I asked.

"Okay." She said.

After she ate her snack she helped me unpack a few of my things. Then we ate dinner and I tucked Snow in bed.

I then went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a bottle of wine and a glass and sat on the couch in the mini theater that was right across from my room while watching 'Friends'.

I then hear footsteps sand look up. I see Robin with a bowl of popcorn.

"Sorry, you can have the tv." I said trying to get up but he stops me.

"I was actually about to watch Titanic. So if you want you can stay and watch it with me." He said.

I knew it was a lame excuse to make me stay but I agreed anyways. As the movie started he held my hand.

I looked at him weirdly and he chuckled.

"We are friends, they can hold each other's hands." He said and I nodded.

I know it's weird but I like the way his hand feels in mine. I looked at his wrist and noticed a lion tattoo.

I admired it and traced its pattern with my finger.

"It's my family crest. When a member of our family turns 18 they get the crest tattooed somewhere on their body." Robin said.

"I like it." I said and he smiled.

Our faces where about and inch away. I could feel his warm breath against my lips. I bit my lip and he leaned in but instead of kissing my lips he kissed my cheek.

I tried not to groan. I wanted him to kiss me. He smiled at me and turned his attention back to the tv. Tease. Well two can play at that game.

The popcorn was on the other side of Robin so I smirked and bent over him to get to it. Giving him a perfect view of my ass.

I heard him swallow hard. I sat back up and I saw he had a pillow over his pants. I smirked.

"What's with the pillow?" I asked.

"Uh..." I didn't give him enough time to finish.

I yanked the pillow away and revealed nothing. Strange. I looked at Robin and he let out a sigh of relief.

I crossed my arms over my chest and continued to watch the movie. After the movie ended Robin handed me a glass of wine.

"To a new friendship." He said.

"Yea, to a new friendship." I mumbled.

We clinked our glasses and drank the wine. After I finished I headed back to my room. I plopped down on my bed and called Emma, my beast friend in the whole world.


Emma: Hello Thai so Emma Swan

Me: Hey

Emma: GINA! How the hell are ya?

Me: Huh I just got married to a dirty basterd. How do you think I am?

Emma: True true. Anyways any cute men that work there?

Me: Pshhh whaaaaa? No.

Emma: Who is it? What's his name, height, eye color, and send me a picture of him.

Me: His name is Robin. 6 foot 4 I think. Blue eyes. And I don't have a picture of him.

Emma: Well sneak into his room and get a pic!

Me: No! What if he is naked or something?

Emma: Then take a pic and you can save it for a rainy day.


Emma: Sorry. Anyways I gotta go. I have a date tonight.

Me: It's 11:45.

Emma: Okay fine it's for work. But I seriously have to go! Bye bitch!

Me: Bye Swan.

I chuckle and sneak out of my room. I go to Robin's room which is the one to the left of me and open the door a little.

I peeked in and saw him jacking off. What the mother of fucking shit. I took a picture but the flash was on. Damnit.

I run as fast as I can to my room turn off the lights and jump under covers. I hear footsteps and pretend to be asleep. I hear the feet leave and I turn on my phone and send Emma the picture.

I turn off my phone and go to sleep not knowing that someone was in my room.

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