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"NOPE!" I screamed as I jumped off the wall, free-falling. Hanji peered over the side, and stared at me with happy and curious eyes. I landed on my feet, surprisingly not dead, and all my bones in tact, and started sprinting away. I hear the familiar zip of the 3DMG heading my way. "(Y/n)! Come back! I have so many questions!" Hanji screamed. "And I don't have answers!" I screamed. "Jean said you cry blood, is it true?" Hanji asked. "JEAN I HATE YOU!" I screeched. "Noted" said Jean, very faint. I scowled at Jean's reply. "What?" Hanji asked, now in front of me. "HOLY CRAP!" I screamed. "Why were you scowling?" Hanji asked. "Jean said something." I said. "Something stupid" I said. Hanji kept poking me, and asking annoying questions. "Does your blood have any properties when you cry? Like, does it destroy anything?" Hanji asked. "It destroys anything blood can stain. Now leave me alone." I growled. "Let's get you to cry, so then we can see if your blood has healing properties. Or something like that." Hanji said. "Uh, your friends are dead!" Hanji yelled. "I'll carry on like a soldier." I said. "Nobody loves you!" Hanji yelled. "That's not my problem. Love holds me back." I said. "Your parents are dead!" Now that, that struck a nerve. I flinched, and Hanji must have saw it, because she kept going further. "You watched titans eat them!" Hanji yelled. I grabbed Hanji but her shirt collar and held her up. "What do you know?" I growled. "Hey! Your crying!" Hanji smiled. "I ASKED WHAT DO YOU KNOW!" I yelled. "About what?" Hanji asked. "ABOUT MY PARENTS! YOU KNOW SOMETHING!" I screamed. "Woah woah, calm down." Hanji said. I threw her down, and ran towards my room.

Hanji's POV

"Hey, what's going on? I heard yelling so I can as fast as I could." Eren asked. "I was trying to get (y/n) to cry, to see if her blood had any healing properties, and she got all mad. I don't know why." I said. "What did you talk about?" Eren asked. "I said her friends were dead and nobody loved her, which didn't get her to cry. So I said her parents were dead, and she watched the titans eat them. Then, she grabbed my shirt collar and held me up. She was crying, and yelling at my, asking what I knew. I don't understand." I said. "Hanji!" Eren yelled. "What?" I asked. "She was crying, because you made her relive the past." Eren said. "The past?" I asked. "She was kidnapped, and watched her parents be beaten to death, then eaten by titans." Eren said. "Oh-oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I yelped. Eren ran out of the room, towards (y/n)'s room.

Eren's POV

I heard a loud thump coming from (y/n)'s room, so I went inside. I ran over to her unconscious body, and looked at the blood surrounding her. Dried blood stained her cheeks, as she layed there, breathing heavily. I shook her awake, concerned. She opened her eyes, which were no longer (e/c), they were a faded baby blue. "(Y/n), are you okay?" I asked. "I can feel them calling me" she said. "Feel who?" I asked. "The dead. They are calling me back. I was never supposed to come back to life. I'm supposed to be dead." She said. "But you're here now! Don't go." I cried. "Eren, I have to go eventually. They are slowly pulling me away from my body. Eren, I have to. I'm dying as it is. Crying blood was cool, until you can't stop crying." She smiled. "(Y/n), please." I cried. I cradled her in my arms. "I love you. Good...bye..." She said. Her body fell limp in my arms, and I stared in horror. "(Y/n), (y/n), please." I whispered, shaking her limp body. Nothing happened. I felt something touch my shoulder, and turned around. Nothing was there. The presence was still there. "W-who are you?" I asked. "You already know." I could tell she was smiling. "(Y/n)?" I asked. "Yup! That's me. Now, we have to go tell the others. Come on." (Y/n) said, pulling me towards the door.

Your POV

I followed Eren to the mess hall, where everybody was gathered. As Eren walked in, all heads turned towards us. "Attention everybody!" Eren said, trying to stay strong. "(Y/n), is no longer with us. She lived a great life, died, somehow, came back, had some fun, and died of blood loss. If you didn't know, after she came back, she could cry blood. She was crying, I will not mention why, and lost too much blood. May she live on in our hearts." Eren finished. Many people were crying, and I felt bad for giving up so easy. I summoned my blood off of Eren's clothes. "Eren, how did the blood in your clothes suddenly disappear?" Armin asked. "Because of me." I said. Everybody looked for the source of the voice but could not find it. "I guess I have more powers now. I don't know how or why I'm still on Earth, or how I still have a physical form, you just can't see it. I'm just as confused as you." I said. I floated back to my room, and summoned the blood off of the floor. I watched my body disintegrate, and backed up. I fell on my butt, and scooted towards the wall. The door was open, so I scooted out to the wall outside of my room. Eren came around the corner. As soon as my body completely disintegrated, my feet started to become human again. I stood up, and looked at my body, completely regenerated. "Woah!" I yelped as I took a step and fell towards the floor. Somebody caught me, and that somebody was...

Eren x Titan Shifter!Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now