Part 1: Up All Night Tour

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One Direction were in the tour bus just finishing an L.A. show. "Wow, that was probably one of most loved shows! The fans adored it!" Niall said sitting down on the one of the couches. "Yeah. Niall. I have to agree." Harry said sitting next to him. "L.A. has always been likeable. But, with the amount of fans we have here makes it better!" Louis said sitting across from Niall and Harry. "The fans here love Zayn!" Liam said pointing over his shoulder to Zayn."That's 'cause he's a sexy beast Liam!" Louis said running over to Zayn and messed up his hair. "HEY!" Zayn yelled at Louis for messing up his hair. "Don't mess up Zayn's hair,I swear, he'll hurt you." Harry scolded Louis with a laughing blonde next to him. "Look at you two love birds! Don't break the bed! The hotel won't allow it!" Louis teased. Niall stopped laughing and blushed. Harry stared at Louis with a look that says 'Fuck you Tomlinson...' and an angry face that was bright red. "Just joking!" Louis quickly took back what he said. "I bet you weren't jokin' Louis." Niall said, still blushing. "I'm sure he was! Louis jokes about things alot, but he doesn't lie!" Liam told Niall. "You better be tellin' the truth, Liam." Niall said folding his arms across his chest and turned away from Liam. "No, Liam doesn't lie!" Zayn said. "Are you bein' honest Mr. Malik?" Niall asked getting a sigh in return. "Niall? What's wrong? Something bothering you? Do you need anything?" Harry asked. "No Harry... I'm fine... Just tired..." Niall said. "Don't worry! We're almost there!" Harry said pointing to a hotel in the distance. After driving a couple minutes and getting though hallway, they made it to their rooms. Louis,Liam,and Zayn stayed in one room and Niall and Harry in the one next to theirs. "Harry... i-it's f-fuckin' freezin'!" Niall said in the middle of the night. "What do I do about that?" Harry asked still half asleep. "M-may I sleep with you? You're body heat will keep me warm!" Niall asked. Harry blushed, but nodded and motioned Niall to come. Niall jumped into Harry's bed and snuggled up to the bigger teen's chest. "Mmm... So warm! Harry! You're so warm..." Niall said before falling asleep. "I love you Niall!" Harry said kissing Niall's forehead making the blonde chuckle. Harry fell asleep with Niall in his arms,and confident about Niall loving him back. He hopes Niall feels the same. He doesn't know that Niall loves him back.
Sorry if it's short! I'll upload more soon! Byyyyyeee!!!! ;3

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