Part 2: Take Me Home Tour

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"Wow. That felt so fuckin' long!" Niall sighed. "I know... Dublin is wild..." Harry agreed. "Well, It's Ireland! What 'd ya think?!" Niall joked. 'Alright.' Harry thought.'I need to tell Niall how I feel...' Niall was sitting beside Harry, laughing at nothing. "Um... Niall?" Harry said. "Ya Harry?" Niall asked. "I-I-I like y-you..." Harry said. "HAHA! I know ya like me dude!" Niall laughed. "N-no! I like,like you..." Harry murmured. "Um... Ya love me?" Niall asked. "Ya...I understand if you don't lik-" Harry said as Niall embraced him. "Oh, Harry! I love ya too!" Niall said. Liam,Louis,and Zayn chuckled softly. "Ooh! Harry I love you!" Louis said pretending to be Niall. "I love you too Niall!" Liam said pretending to be Harry. They both made kissing motions at each other. Zayn was laughing his face off. Niall and Harry were just embarrassed. Zayn pushed Liam into Louis making them kiss. Niall and Harry were now losing it. "HAHAHAHAHA! H-H-HE GOT YOU GOOD!" Niall said between laughs. Louis, face as red as tomato, sweared at Zayn. "What the fuck? Why did you do that? We're a real asshole you know." He said. Liam just stood there quietly. "GUYS! I'M HUNGRY!" Niall said over Zayn and Louis. "We'll get room service! Don't worry!" Harry said. *At the hotel* "ROOM SERVICE!" Niall yelled. "OK,OK! I'm getting you some food..." Harry said. *Room service arrives and Niall's done eating* "Harry?" Niall asked. "What?" Harry asked. "Have you ever snogged before?" Niall asked. "UM... NO..." Harry said. "I haven't either, but I want someone to snog with!" Niall said getting in Harry's face. "Let's break the tension then!" Harry said pressing his lips on Niall's. It was short and sweet, not too passionate and rough. "Harry! I want you!" Niall mumbled into Harry's mouth. Harry shifted on the couch."Harry..." Niall whimpered. "Oh, alright... Just a simple blowjob... Nothing more..." Harry sighed giving in to Niall. "Nothing less..." Niall mumbled. Harry unzipped his pants and let them fall,along with his boxers. Niall waited for Harry's approval. Harry nodded and gasped as he felt Niall's warm mouth on his cock. Harry moaned loudly,making Niall pleased with himself. Niall bobbed his head,with a groaning Harry above him. Harry came after what felt like an hour. Niall carefully shallowed. "Mmm...Harry! I love you!" Niall said nuzzling up against Harry. "Love you too Niall..." Harry said kissing Niall's forehead. "G-g-guys? What did I just witness?" Zayn asked. "Shit! Door was open... How much did you see?" Niall realized. "All of it..." Zayn said. "Should've closed the fuckin' door..." Niall said. "I'll be bleaching out my eye balls if you need me..." Zayn said. "Next time, make sure the door's locked,or at least closed..." Harry said getting a giggle from Niall.

Hi guys! Sorry if it sucks! It's my first time doing smut! Hope you like it anyway! ;3

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