The Purge

15 3 4

When the time comes,
I will fight
I will try to advance
To survive
Until I reach the light.

The sun goes down
and all the anger,
the rage
the hate
all of it,
Comes right out,
and I think,
For a moment
I made a mistake.

The fear unravels
from deep inside,
to their widened eyes.

They spot me and hide,
deep away where I cannot go.
Trying to get away,

I was young when my scar
was placed roughly on my forehead.
My house,
It burned
to the ground.
I crumpled with it,
sinking into the earth.
Until my father came,
and rescued my soul.
He dragged me out,
myself unconscious
and limp.
My arm was pulled,
and my forehead slashed from a knife.
Just my luck,
my bad luck
from my early years
when I didn't have all the anger,
the rage,
the hate,
none of it.
When I hid from the ones like me now,
taking part of
the purge.


Hi, so this chapter just reminded me of a little one-day project we did in language arts in 6th grade. My teacher asked the groups of four to create a really good town, or something like that. So when we presented, there was one group that had a purge. 

It also reminds me of the movie that's coming out.


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