My Sister (Part 1)

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I knew life was hard.

I honestly didn't know

that she hated it.

Enough to

take it away.

She was bullied,

shoved down the stairs,

broke her arm.

Got into a fight,

because she spoke up,

got three detentions.

It happened again with the same girl,

got suspended for a week.

When she came back that


they stared,

threw pens and erasers.

She came home that day

on the bus with me,

got kicked,

and punched in the face,

for trying to sit in the row across from someone.

I tried to say it was wrong,

but she was dumb enough to punch the guy away,

and got pushed to the floor and

hit her head.

We got home,

and mom slammed the phone on the table.

She yelled at her,

about what happened in school,

what happened with her grades,

why she didn't get help.

She said she was distracted,

but she didn't believe her.

She hit her.

After a while,

bruises covered her arms and back.

Mom threatened to leave,

and Dad couldn't speak up or


he would be the one

to make her leave.

And none of us wanted that.

Last Friday,

she came home with her bag stuffed.

Went straight to her room,

as I heard her cry.

I start my project

I had been given in school.

Try to leave her


After half an hour,

I went to our room

that we've shared for all her life.

But as I open the door,

I scream.


Whoops. This wasn't any form of poetry. Whoops.

The one after this will be.


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