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{Orange and pink streaked across the sky as night fell over the tranquil land. Except, the meeting that took place under the stars that night was anything but tranquil. Blue eyes glared into chocolate ones as the duo tried to make sense of what had exactly happened that fateful day, and why they were here.}

The young hero of legend kept his eyes locked on his enemy, if he could even call him that. At the moment however he was in a small fit of anger at the demon. He clenched his fists. "Why would you do that to me?" He hissed.

The demon lord of the surface looked aside. "I hadn't meant to anger you by it." He murmured, folding his arms, though he felt far more guilty than in any sort of rage.

Link felt tears well up in his eyes. Earlier that day, out in the desert province of the surface, Link had found both Zelda and the Gate Of Time. He was about to reunite with her when an explosion occurred and prevented him from running to her, and her to him.

His half-ally-half-enemy, Ghirahim, had arrived.

They considered each other allies sometimes because of the rather romantic moments they shared, though they weren't in any sort of relationship. However they still also called each other enemies due to the fact that they were taking very different paths at the moment... Paths that conflicted often.

After making a huge entrance, Ghirahim had launched an attack on Impa, Zelda's guardian. Link had screamed and yelled for him to stop, but to no avail. All the boy had wanted to do was reunite with his best friend again, and she had been placed out of his reach once more. To seal the situation off, Ghirahim had made a rather bold move. Leaping over the small wall of flames he had conjured to prevent Link from approaching Zelda, he grabbed the hero and pulled him into a heated kiss... All of this, unfortunately, in front of Impa and Zelda, who was utterly heartbroken, confused, and scared.

Not a moment afterward, Zelda and Impa retreated through the Gate Of Time before destroying it with a bomb. Link was distraught, feeling terrible that the last thing his best friend saw before she left was him getting kissed by his supposed enemy.

Snapping back into reality and stopping his little flashback, Link gritted his teeth. "Any other time would have been fine... But you had to do it there. You just had to do it in front of my best friend and make her think I'm a traitor!" He yelled.

Ghirahim met eyes with the skyloftian again. Taking a few steps closer, he placed one hand on the boy's shoulder. "Skychild..."

Link quickly smacked his hand away. "Don't 'Skychild' me!" He snapped. "I don't even understand why you show me all this weird affection anyway... I never did. I just went with it because it felt like something inside of me wanted me to. But I feel like now, you're just trying to pull me in... I feel like I'm caught in a hookshot of some sort and I keep getting pulled toward you." He stepped back, a few tears falling from his glassy eyes. "Ghirahim, I'm so confused... I feel so conflicted right now. You don't understand." He choked.

The demon lord put on a small yet kind smile. "I think I do." He murmured in reply.

He then removed his cloak and approached Link again, fitting it onto the hero instead.

The young knight stiffened. "What are you doing that for?" He asked, drawing back once again.

Ghirahim folded his hands. "You're shivering." He replied softly.

Link reached up and curled his fingers around the thick fabric of the cloak. It was soft and warm, but he refused to admit it. He scowled at the demon. "You're an idiot." He muttered.

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