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Last night was the most weirdest and scariest thing that ever happened to me. I mean who wouldn't be scared of those sounds and those creepy shadowy creatures with bright eyes staring at you?

And the threatening message that throbbed my head thinking about it.

The weird part is Mr. Hopkins my rival and the son of Mr. Hopkins senior sojourned, just to make sure that his rival is still kicking and ready to beat his company. On the other hand I have an intuition that's not what he came for.

Up until now I think he has a thing for me. We've been classmates since college but were not close enough to be called friends, just an acquaintance. There was one time during discussions in class, I caught him stealing a quick glance at me then looked away, blushing like an idiot.

For four straight years at the University he persistently courted me. As a matter of fact, he's basically a handsome, rich and gentleman, though I'm not indubitably into his kind.

I somewhat like a different kind- not this buff cute nice guy that most chicks dreamed of to be with.

Elise stayed in my room all night, protecting her terrified impudent master, by the sole reason of I was too afraid to be left alone in the dark especially after I was attacked- threatened by obscuration. Unfortunately regardless of the fact that she was watching me twenty four seven,

In my dreams those anomalous shadows kept tormenting me with their haunting yellow eyes and putrid smell. I don't know who are they or where they came from. Although one thing for sure... they want want me dead.

I'm glad the night was over.

Elise opened the door of the car, escorting me inside. Wearing a V neck, short sleeve white office dress that runs down to my thighs and five inch black stilettos with pointy heels, I took time to hop in so that my dress will not be stained in any manner.

I relaxed on the tucked up black leather seats, my arms folded over my chest.

Even though my new servant is somewhat a stranger to me, her presence made me feel different, unlike my previous dysfunctional servants. It's like she courageously tamed my inner beast, nevertheless knowing that anytime in a day I might lose my temper.

Without recognizing her kindness, I expeditiously closed the door myself, attempting to piss her off. However, my attempt was imperturbable paid no attention. She opened the door and felicitously sat in the driver's seat, her hands gripping on the steering wheel, forgetting that she must start the engine beforehand.

"Do you know how to drive?" Doubting her abilities, I questioned her.

She did not respond. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I shouted.

At last she retorted. "Please fasten your seat belt m'lady."


I arrived at my office exactly one hour, thirty minutes and fifteen seconds earlier on my watch. The concierge lady was busily fixing her curly brunette hair into a bun when she saw me and Elise enter the building.

I walked near to her counter and ostentatiously unveiled my shiny pearly white teeth, a product of my favorite dentist.

"Good morning ma'am." She politely greeted me, while ogling at Elise.

I vigilantly shot back a death stare and a heinous smile at her, acquiring a vilified face from her.

She carefully smiled back, unknown to her how to respond to her boss's smile which was the very first time smiling at her since the first day they met. Elise was trailing behind me, the clicking of her heels reminded me of last night horrible events.

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