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The ice creature had attacked the near by town and completely tore it apart. There was five deaths and twenty two people got critically heart. The chief sent eight people to go fight it of. Rowan ,Clara, Sara, Tina, Tom,  Paul ,Cory  and Jake. they were all part of the self defence team and all really good except Rowan. Every one laughed when the chief called out rowan they all thought he would die first. Rowan wanted to be like his dad but new he could never be like him. They had to leave in two days.

the day has come

It was the day they were all getting packed with food, water and weapons. Rowan was packing lots of  books but Paul came up to him and ripped them to pieces. Weapons not baby books!!. There not baby boo shut up and get packing now. Rowan took all the left overs of the weapons and stuffed them into a big bag.

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