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Sean McLoughlin was a highly optimistic person, that was very common knowledge, he was a commonly known person. He wasn't exactly in the popular group but was generally friends with everyone. He was that guy you would hang out with in a group, that guy you'd trust with many of your deep secrets, but not the deepest ones, barely going past the surface of the water. He was the type of guy that everyone loved to be around. He was the new kid that never settled into a group.

Sean was known as Jack by everybody. He showed up at the beginning of eighth grade, fitting himself in nicely. His popularity wasn't gradual, it was sudden and quick. He spent maybe two months on his own, not really trying to get to know other people but trying to work his way around how the school worked. Who was in the popular group, who were the jocks, who were barely noticed, and who were the nerds. Jack then talked to a kid named Felix, someone in the popular group. He decided to help Felix with a question he seemed to be struggling with at the time and Felix told his friends about the boy with the bright green hair that was nice to him. Word spread and people suddenly wanted to hang out with Jack, finally actually noticing him. Jack didn't really get how they didn't notice him before, the bright green hair was kind of hard to miss, even in a crowd.

He would be surprised how easy it is to miss a bright head of hair in a crowd, especially with how many hats he wore on the regular. Plus all the hats everyone else wears, it is just assumed any bright color is something a person is wearing. Bright backpacks, bright shirts, bright shoes, bright shorts, bright hats, everything was always so bright. It was always too warm in California, so different from Ireland. He was often sweating and too clammy for comfort. His palms were always sweaty when not inside most classrooms. Of course, there has always been that one teacher that refuses to ask for help with their venting being broken or doesn't mind the heat and covers up the vent with the fire blanket that has a much more important use than being a cold air blockade. The constant dehydration made Jack have a lasting headache and a gray water bottle on the corner of his desk.

But Jack was always looking to the bright side of things. At least he had drinkable water on request unlike those in Flint. At least he didn't need a heater in his apartment. At least he didn't have to get so many blankets. There was always a bright side to things. He had a constant flow of people wanting to hang out with him, everyone liked him, he was well known, he didn't have a reputation to follow, people liked him as he was. But God did he want someone to complain to. A sister and both brothers were in college, his parents were always busy, and he didn't want to bother his older sister with any negativity. But hey, being the youngest had its perks. Always optimistic Jackaboy.

As Jack walked into class he had a big smile on his face, white teeth shining as he sat down. The student to his right, a girl with long brown hair and an Italian accent named Marzia was talking to Felix, a boy with dirty blonde hair and a distinctive Swedish accent. To his left was a male with longish brown hair that he had to flip out of his face on occasion named Arin who was talking to another guy with very poofy hair named Danny. Jack yawned quietly, he didn't get much sleep the night prior and was already suffering from the after effects. He sighed, regretting that he stayed up so late only to play Grand Theft Auto V. Was it really worth it, though? He sure thought so, even if he was desperately tired.

"Hey, Jack, can you help me out?" Arin suddenly asked, making Jack snap his head over to the male, interrupting a yawn.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Jack responded, yawning again. The bags under his eyes were painfully obvious.

"Can I borrow your notes from yesterday? I lost mine." Arin inquired with a tone of worry. Jack saw Arin writing as much as he could down yesterday in his journal, meaning that he probably wasn't understanding the lesson completely. Jack smiled and nodded, handing Arin his own journal and then turning back to the teacher. They were just doing a review from yesterday and he had gotten the idea pretty well so he didn't need to look at his notes this time.

The class was droning on, and Jack was getting massively bored. He was slouching and his eyelids felt like they were attached to bricks. Yet another yawn escaped his mouth as he started the look around, trying to find some sort of poster since this classroom, unfortunately, lacked windows. That might be a good thing, Jack thought, less sunlight beaming through the windows to burn his skin off.

Jack sat near the back, giving him a partial viewpoint of the classroom. There was one row behind him out of five, making that he could see the people at the ends of the last row but not the ones right behind him. He put his elbow on the table and held up his chin with the palm of his hand. This class was going to drag on forever. His eyes darted around the classroom, analyzing shining posters, and brightly colored papers. The classroom used to be a science lab for the school but they now only had three science teachers instead of four like they did probably a decade before. Now it was a math classroom to the unfortunate math teacher. His gaze finally landed on a bright red head of hair. Intrigued, Jack looked lower to see the face under the bright locks.

It was a slightly tanned male with black-rimmed glasses and an impatient look in his chocolate brown eyes. He was simultaneously tapping his foot and tapping the desk with his pencil, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there. The boy's eyes kept zooming around the classroom as he bit his lip, going from the clock to the teacher to the posters and then back to the clock. A hand landed on the guy's arm, making him jump. The surprised and anxious look then turned to a false look of absence and sleep as the teacher looked down at him with concern on his face.

"No, no, I'm fine, sorry Mr. Glanders," The male said, his voice lower than Jack had expected.

"If you say so, Mark," Mr. Glanders said in a tone that matched his look. Mark nodded and the very tall Mr. Glanders walked away to help other students that were working on the worksheet from yesterday. Jack scratched the back of his neck and turn back to the front of the classroom, finding that the whiteboard just had examples and that it was work time.

His eyes snapped to the clock. Five minutes. Oh god, this was going to be a long day. His eyebrows bunched up in worry for his own sanity as he sighed and pulled out the book he was required to bring to each class from his backpack and started reading it to pass the last five minutes the had.

Five minutes later the bell rang and everyone got up from their seats, slowly walking to the hallway. Jack shoved the book back into his bag and walked out as well. With curiosity about the red-haired student, he turned his head to see if he was still there. The male was, in fact, still there with a look of relief. Jack shook his head in confusion of why the guy was still there if he wanted the class to end so badly before walking off. Only two more periods until lunch.

That was still far too long...

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