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Mr. Kays was still worried over the ruined drum, but he was still a sweet guy, and as such, every year he would bring in cupcakes on Valentine's Day. He always said it was because he loved teaching his students how to create music, and that they deserved the sweet treat. Everyone knew this was just so nobody would feel left behind with everyone getting sweets and treats from their loved ones.

Jack still thought of it as ridiculous that teenagers took Valentine's Day so seriously. It was unlikely that these people would get married to the people they were dating. They still had college, and for a lot of them, years of high school left to meet other people and run into drama. It was stupid to celebrate, or maybe it was just him.

Nobody had taken their instruments out, everyone was talking to each other with smiles on their face. On the whiteboard was a list of song requests to put up on the speakers and everyone had cupcakes in their hands and frosting on their faces. Jack smiled and bit into the chocolate cupcake in his hand, enjoying the sweet taste as Ken talked about a funny dog video he found online. Suddenly, Ken burst into a fit of laughter.

"What?" Jack asked, mouth full and a sprinkle flying out between his teeth.

"I don't know how," Ken laughed heartily, "But you somehow got frosting on your forehead." 

Jack gave Ken and annoyed look and wiped his forehead, smearing it onto his fingertips. He sneered at Ken as the taller male continued to laugh

"Would you stop staring at him already?" Matt asked in an exasperated tone.

"I am not staring at him," Mark argued, rolling his eyes as he turned to Matt.

"Then what was the answer to my other question?" Matt challenged with a smirk.

"Sixty," Mark bullshitted, biting his tongue for even saying anything. Matt laughed at Mark and shook his head.

"I asked if you wanted to hang out after school at the park with Ryan and me," Matt told him, smiling brightly.

"Oh, sure!" Mark confirmed, cheeks turning red with embarrassment. He felt himself still wanting to look towards the bright green beacon of cheerfulness near the string section. Matt caught him, though, and snapped fingers in front of the smaller male's face.

"Earth to Mark," Matt chimed in a teasing tone. "You keep spacing out, I'm trying to have a conversation here, man, but you won't stop looking at the pianist. What is with you today?" Matt laughed lightly as Mark's face wad dusted with pink like the tiny sprinkles on Matt's chocolate cupcake. "I mean, I know Jack's a nice guy, but you shouldn't be staring there, buddy."

"Would you shut up?" Mark asked, rolling his eyes jokingly. He wasn't kidding, though, Mark's face was heating up with embarrassment and he wasn't sure why. He guessed it was just because it was rude to stare in the first place. You would become embarrassed if your friend pointed out that you were staring at a person when you were just spacing out, so what's the difference. The difference happened to be how much Mark wanted to defend himself but he didn't, because he felt like Matt would twist his words into something unnecessary.

Matt just continued to chuckle and took a bite of his cupcake, getting blue frosting on his nose. Mark laughed at this friend, prying his attention away from any cotton candy haired students and to his regularly haired friend. Matt laughed with him and rubbed the blue off of his nose, leaving a small stain of heavy dye. Mark laughed harder as Matt frantically tried to rub the dye off of his nose, pulling out his phone camera to help. After a minute of Mark laughing and Matt getting frustrated, he gave up and put the phone away with a sigh. 

The lights in the front of the room turned off, indicating a use in the projector. Mark and Matt both looked to the front to see that Mr. Kays was turning on Guitar Hero and a tuba player by the name of Phil was writing sign up lists for each available instrument. This included the bass, guitar, drums, and vocals. Students were already starting to line up behind Phil as he finished up the neat columns.

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