Get Out of My Head

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"Do you need any help with that?" Mark asked Jack, looking over his shoulder at the math homework he was trying to do. Jack shook his head, propping his forehead up with the palm of his hand.

They were at Jack's apartment because Thomas had friends over at Mark's house and he didn't really want to talk to anyone or hear their loud yelling from the room below as he was trying to work on his homework. To help with this, he asked Jack if he could come over, which Jack kindly said yes too and got on the bus with Mark instead of going alone like he usually did since no one else he knew had the same route as him.

Jack was working on his math homework at his desk, thoroughly confused as he hadn't grasped that day's lesson unlike Mark had. On the other side of things, Mark was struggling with his World History homework because no matter how many times he looked over the material the answered seemed to be nowhere.

"Are you sure?" Mark asked again, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder. "You seem pretty stressed about it."

"Shut up." Jack snapped angrily, trying to focus. Maybe inviting Mark over was a bad idea because he couldn't seem to be able to focus on that single piece of paper with his boyfriend in the room. Of course, he did need help and he knew that but he wanted to figure this out on his own and Mark honestly wasn't helping, even though he offered.

"I can leave if you want," Mark told Jack, giving a worried look. "Just say so."

"Stay out of my head" Jack sighed, pressing onto the paper harder with his pencil. "Just do your own work, it's alright."

"Okay," Mark agreed, sitting on Jack's bed and looked down at his textbook again. Jack thought about how he wished he could read minds so he could go into Mark's brain and review how the lesson actually worked again. "I don't want to read minds, Jack, you just want to know how to do the work. I can help." Mark didn't look up from his textbook but held a concerned look as he read.

"I said to stay out of my head," Jack said, rolling his eyes. "And I don't want help. I can do this on my own."

"Sorry," Mark said, writing something down on his worksheet. There were a couple seconds of silence before Mark spoke up again. "If you just divide-"

"Shut up, Mark!" Jack snapped, turning around in his chair. Mark jumped and looked up at Jack in surprise. The green-haired boy was fuming. "I said stay out of my head! I don't need your help!"

"Jack, you are never going to get this if you're upset," Mark sighed, brow furrowed in concern. "Please, just-"

"No!" Jack yelled turning his chair around so he could fully face Mark. "You don't know everything, Mark! Oh, or maybe you do because you can read fucking minds!" Jack poked at his own head with his other arm out to the side, widely gesturing and making Mark recoil in surprise and slight fear. "Go ahead! Listen in on my thoughts! Listen in on how fucking sick I am of you knowing everything! Nobody can hide anything from you! And you're oh so sad about having a fucking superpower, huh? Stop being a giant fucking baby and enjoy what you have! No one else can do what you do yet you're jealous of us? Of us normal fucking people!"

"Jack, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Mark started, only to be interrupted again.

"You don't mean to do anything!" Jack screamed, probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear now. "You don't mean to read minds, you don't mean to learn secrets, you don't mean to know things to nobody else should know! How can you take your power for granted? You can ace any test! You can cheat on any assignment you so choose if you just listen! You do none of this? Why?"

"Because I don't want to cheat," Mark argued. "It's not right! I don't want to have these powers, I want to be normal!"

"Why? Why be normal?" Jack threw his arms out wide. "I've tried for so long not to be normal! Not to be like every other person on the planet. You do that without even trying because you have freak fucking powers!" Jack recoiled back in his chair and breathed heavily.

Mark was very shocked at this. He was breathing heavily as well and his nose started to twitch as it would before his eyes started to water, which that did. He looked down, letting his red hair fall over his face. He bit his lip to keep from crying as he turned away from Jack and closed his textbook, sliding it into his backpack along with the rest of his things.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked looking up at Mark with a small scowl on his face.

"Home," Mark said simply, looking down at his feet as he stood up and swung his backpack over his right shoulder, fitting his left arm through when it was over.

"Wait, Mark, I-" Jack started, standing up a bit and holding out an arm as Mark started for the door.

"What, Jack," Mark hissed, not looking back but stopping in his tracks. "I'm obviously not welcome here. I'm someone with freak powers, right? I'm going home." Mark sighed and turned to look at Jack. He wasn't crying but his eyes were definitely watering. "Felix was right. I'm just going to end up hurting you anyways."

Jack was too shocked to do anything as Mark swung open Jack's door, step out, and slammed it shut behind him, leaving Jack standing in the middle of his room with a hand out to stop his boyfriend of leaving, limp with failure. His mouth huge open and his breath was caught in his throat, eyes wide as he stared at the closed door. He heard a second door shut and he knew it was the one out of the apartment. Jack didn't move from the spot in the middle of the room nor the position as his eyes started to water and quickly flooded over with tears.

His knees grew weak and he fell to the floor and curled into a ball. No one else was in the house. He was alone with his own thoughts and sudden sorrow that he had brought upon himself. He hugged his knees close to his chest but let them go in a few seconds, sprawling out across his carpet and stared up at his ceiling, tears flooding out of the corners of his eyes and sliding into and past his ears.

"What did I just do?" He asked himself. his voice scratchy and breathy as he laid there in a pool of regret. The only sound was his sharp breathing and his blood pumping in his ears as he struggled to breath on the floor of his room.


A/N- Was this sad enough? I've written sadder. Eh, I warned you guys. Also, you know how for the past two days I've been doing two chapters a day? Hahahahahahahahaha! See you tomorrow, Zipps! Peace in the daulity!

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