getting to know Andre ✋

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Wasup yall it's ya boy dre that my nick name but I'm 18 I'm about 6"1 I have a sexy ass body all the thots die for i have my nigga in crime papi I knew him for the longest that's my nigga and all but I have a big ass crush on shayla fine ass bruh I like to get head,drink,smoke,party and so much more I go to greenfield high school and I'm glad it's my last year bruh I like along I'm from Florida I'm mixed with black and Mexican I love to eat food is have a big ass stupid thing to tell papi I want to him more him that papi girl cheat on her with me but I idk if he gonna hate me or say we not firends anymore but papi knows he so much to me like nbs we been family since day one and I be damn if I let kayla thot ass ruined it

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