Cheating prince imagine

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Prince pov
Hey wassup i am 22 i have a loving girl friend of 7 years and im happy with her but im keeping something from her im Cheating on her but it is worse it is with her twin sister Idk what to do

Layla pov
Hey guys im Layla im 22 and i am pricne girlfriend i Really love him but it is times that i question us i think he  is Cheating and im scared asf 😪 i hope im wrong

Layla get off work she call prince but he doesnt answer

Layla goes in to the house but she get hit in the face with the smell of sweat and regret her eyes turn black she is pissed she walk up stair in to the room and see pricne and kayla she looks and princes say oh hell long story short Layla beat kayla and prince she leaves and never spoken to him Agian

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