murder (prodigy)

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Hey y'all I made this but wattpad deleted it so I'm gonna sum it up for you guys okay

Prod came to Dinah Jane's house his ex girlfriend he wanted to kill her bc of what she did to there daughter 4 years ago He blames Dinah for the death of their child kaylan Dinah "accidentally' set the house on fire but she left the baby in there and the baby died.prodigy knew what he wanted to  do so he went to her house tied her up and he had a blow torch he blew it on her stomach he watched as the skin slowly fell then he got a knife and carved the word dj in her stomach then he took off.

He thought she was dead she wasn't she called the police ans told them everything prod seen the news ans they are looking for him he went to the hospital to try one  more time but the cops beat him to it he jumped out the window and hit the ground when the police got down there he was no where to be seen but the blood and peices of his head was there legend has it that he still walk the night people have claimed to see a man with a big head wound and dirty clothes watching Dinah Jane's house where she lives his words were I'm coming dinnnnahhhh jannnee

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