Announcement Time!

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Announcement time

A/N: my first time for third person's view so... many mistakes I guess ;v

Another normal day for the students in class-E as their sensei, Koro-sensei, was talking about how he would destroy the earth before their graduation and how they couldn't kill him. The students keep on whining and groaning as their sensei just keep on blabbering about those stuffs.

Not when a light bulb pop out from his head as an idea came up from his mind. It was one simple yet a somewhat interesting idea.

"Minna-san! It would be impossible for you to kill me by the end of March for I am korosenai so I suggest another idea for you guys to stop me destroying the earth..."

When the students heard what their sensei just said, they saw a little ray of light on the dark, lonely place as they reach for it, like a little hope that'll change everything, then suddenly that light grow bigger and bigger consuming the dark that made you cover your eyes for it is too bright. Then when you open your eyes, you saw money falling from the sky! That thought just made them silent from their whines and groans.

"That idea is...LOVE TIME!! Nyahurhurhur" Koro sensei laughed as he spread his yellow octopus-like tentacle hands in the air.

The students little hope then began to vanish as they heard Koro sensei's next words that came from his mouth. And change it with a black violet like aura as their expressions turned blank from what they've heard.

"L-love time?" The class said in union which caused koro sensei to grin more than he already is doing.

"Yes. Project Love Time. You need to find out what love means for you, of course, together with your PARTNER. "

"Then, it's easy. I can just go and search what love is in the internet" Okajima said.

"That's no good Okajima-kun. You need to find love in your own words not on someone else. And if I caught you guys doing those," Koro sensei paused as his aura starts to become black. "No one knows what might happen."

And with that said, the students stayed silent except for a certain someone.

"Then sensei~ who's gonna be our partner?" A red haired brunette asked with a pair of golden dry eyes.

"That'll not be a problem, Karma-kun. I will be the one choosing your partners" Then out of nowhere, koro sensei grabbed a paper which has the class's record on it. And in a blink of an eye, Koro-sensei started to write in an empty paper with a pen as he reads the class's record in a speed of Mach 20.

Maybe two seconds passed, the yellowish octopus-like started to announce the pairs for this project or rather mission since zillion of lives would be in the line here.

"Kanzaki and Sugino..

Isogai and Maehara

Kimura and Okajima

Chiba and Hayami

Terasaka and Muramatsu

Yada and Kataoka

.................. (Means blah blah)"

Most of the students have been paired up and remaining four students not yet in pairs. Karma, Okuda, Nagisa and Kayano. The room was filled with silence, waiting for their sensei's next words.

"Kayano and Okuda

Karma and Nagisa.. So that's it minna! Class dismissed "then koro sensei exited the classroom as the students starts to go and talk to one another about that 'project'.

"So.... How're we going to do that project? Don't you think it's very easy?" Kaede ask her friends that circled her.

"Well... I guess it is.. right Karma-kun?" Nagisa then looked at the red head boy who was beside him.

"Hm~ me~?" Karma pointed himself as if making it sure if it was him that Nagisa was talking to. But deep inside, he just wanted to get Nagisa's attention.

"Yes. You"

"Well~ I guess it's not really that easy since you're my partner"

"Ehh.. why you say so Akabane-san?" Okuda asked.


"Not fair" Kaede suddenly said as she cross her arms over her flat chest.

Karma just smiled and grab his bag to go home.

With that Kaede and the others also decided to go home. After Nagisa got home, he can't stop thinking about what Karma said earlier.

'Partner...' he said in his mind.

Then images flashed on what this thing called PARTNERS would do. Some holding hands, laughing together, smiling, cuddling, hugging... he would do that together with Karma? Just thinking about that made Nagisa's cheeks flushed pink.

Then an image appeared Karma kissing him which made him flushed more than he is. What is he thinking?! Doing those together w-with Karma is just so embarrassing! But it's what partners do right? Well... since Koro sensei is talking about love this time Nagisa just can't help imagining those things. Love and partners.... You know....

Nagisa sighed. Thinking why is he thinking like this and most of all feeling like this. This past days... his being like this, whenever it's Karma this weird thumping of his heart goes a bit faster as this strange feeling build in his stomach which would make him embarrassed whenever his with Karma. This is just weird.

Thinking those kind of stuffs while laying in his bed made him sleepy and doze off without him knowing.

"Let's leave it to tomorrow's me"

Is the last thing he said before dozing off.

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