Mileena X Male! Reader

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This request was made by Dragonboy86

Fighting... that's all you had ever been trained to do. Fight and kill your opponents in the most gruesome ways possible. Although you had been trained at a young age to be the best assassin possible and your skills surpassed most of Lord Ko'atal's loyal assistants, Kotal Kahn never seemed to trust you. Whether it was your lack of emotions when in the company of someone or the little whispers his wasp-like General slipped into his ear, you weren't sure. Most likely a mix of both. As you were talking with one of Kotal's Osh Tekk soldiers, you were interrupted by D'Vorah telling you that Kotal Kahn had summoned you to his throne room. Upon arriving to your destination, you saw a black haired woman on her knees with her hands tied behind her back. Recognizing the woman as Mileena, you started pondering over what had happened during your conversation.

"(Name), do you know why you are here, boy?"

"My lord," you started, summoning all respect possible into your voice as you sensed this to be a dangerous situation. "I do not have any idea why I am here." As you finished your scentence, you noticed both Ermac and Reptile's frames sliding behind you.

"My boy... You have been suspected of treason and therefore your punishment shall be death. Your scentence will be carried out in two days as we prepare the ritual for both you and Mileena."

Once Ko'atal finished his scentence, both Ermac and Reptile grabbed your hands and tied them behind your back whithout you resisting, seeing no way out of the situation at hand. As you were silently escorted through the corridors, the crownless queen Mileena at your side, you were both locked into two cells facing eachother to wait for your execution. As you were sitting against the wall in boredom, your eyes wandered over to your only form of company. Seeing nothing else to do, you decided to study her features. As you slid your eyes over her face, your gaze settled on her prominent set of jagged Tarkatan teeth. She was beautiful, in a vicious yet attractive sort of way. Once you finished your line of thought, you shook your head, annoyed with yourself for thinking such things days before your death. While you were lost in thought, Mileena looked your way, noticing your emotionless gaze on her face.

"What do you want, foolish human?"

Realizing you had been caught staring, you developed an answer inside your head.

"Well, I have two questions for you. First, I thought you were only part Tarkatan, if so, using human as an insult isn't very smart as you are half one as well. Second, seeing as it's our last two days, we might as well talk."

Once your scentence left your slightly chapped lips, Mileena seemed to fall deep into thought.

"You are right, but I ask the question."

Nodding in understanding, you awaited her first question.

"Alright, give me your name so I may address you."


"Alright, (name), why didn't you struggle when your wretched "lord" sent you away to your death?"

"There was no way out of the situation so it was either getting brought here peacefully with no harm having come my way or facing Ko'atal's army on my own and risk dying on the spot."

"A wise choice. I have no further questions, therefore, I will allow you to entertain me with some questions of your own."

"Okay, why do you desire the throne so much?"

"My father was the previous king Outworld but once he died, that vile Osh-Tekk stole the throne grime me, the rightful ruler of Outworld" She answered, seething and spitting out the scentence as if it were some sort of venom. Feeling quite distressed for a certain crownless queen, you lifted your body off the ground and advanced towards your cell's bars.

"Ah, so that's your story, mysterious princess of Outworld. If you would agree, I would like to aid you."

"Why would you aid me, assassin? After all, that would be considered treason to your oh-so precious king?"

"That is where you are wrong, princess. I have never been fond of this so-called King you speak of, for he has never treated me as anything other than scum. My father, well, he was hopelessly devoted to him, my mother, the opposite. My mother then left us and ran from her husband and child, most likely dying in the process. My father, feeling bad for me being motherless, decided to teach me to become a mindless, emotionless assassin who served only Kotal Kahn so I may never go through the loss of a wife or have a child cursed to such a fate. Although he did not succeed in making me mindless, he was pleased with my skill and sent me to work as Ko'atal's personal assassin."

"If you get us out of this palace, I shall let you serve me by your own accord."

"As you wish, milady." You answered her as you started looking around for somewhere you could escape from. Although you worked for Ko'atal for many years, you never taught him one thing you that left you in the winning slate. After looking around, you whispered to your newly named leader and whispered for her to wait until night to make your escape. She soon answered with an affirmative nod and patiently waited for night. Soon you heard the door open, suggesting an Osh-Tekk arrival and you waited until he opened his mouth to speak.

"I will be waiting just outside the door, if I hear any movement or loud noises, your deaths will be re-scheduled for tomorrow."

As you both nodded, the Osh-Tekk guard walked up the stairs and sat down just outside the door. After a bit, the guard fell asleep and you put your plan to action. Your father had taught you a little trick that runs through his side of the family. Control over darkness and shadows. You could barely ever use your ability, unless it was only for short periods of time but you had mastered your short bursts of control. As Mileena started to grow impatient, you began to get engulfed by darkness, once your whole body was immersed , you immediately ran through your cage, turned your hand into a key and unlocked Mileena's cage. Once you were done, you relinquished the shadows from your body and bent over to catch your breath. Once you were done catching your breath, you and Mileena grabbed your things and ran into a forest. As you were walking towards the forest, you started to hear the sounds of fighting and guessed it was Mileena's soldiers training. Just before you could pass through the thicket seperating you from your empresse's camp, you stopped and grabbed Mileena's arm, stopping her in her tracks. You looked at each other for a short while before you spoke up.

"My Empress, although I have only met you during the start of this day, I have felt the only spark of emotion I have ever felt ever since my oldest memories. You have given me hope for a brighter future and better ruler and I cannot thank you enough. I thank you for saving me from throwing my life away back there and would like to know if you could accept and possibly share my only emotion in forever, love." Once you finished your small speech, you looked into her eyes. Then, in a flash, you felt arms close in around you and you looked down into Mileena's golden-yellow eyes.

"Yes I will share your feelings and trust you with my life's for I owe it to you for saving it. Thank you for asking this and I will be sure to teach you every last emotion, even if it costs me my rightful place on the throne." Once she finished her answer, you cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips, enjoying the moment until you pulled apart, grabbed each others hands and you entered her camp, into a new life with your lover under the name of Mileena.

Hank you everybody for reading! I'm extremely sorry for not updating sooner, summer plans. I'm works nag on every request I have but I currently have more than ten so they may take a while, thank you! Good day/night, bye!

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