Tagg 4#

39 3 9

I've been tagged By :

(Im sorry for posting it so late i didnt get the notification ;-;)

1-Who is your favorite anime/show character?

Natsu Dragneel From Fairy Tail Hell yeah! :P

2-what is your favorite show?
Not anime

I see tv rarely but id choose The Walking Dead xP

3-is there any show or anime you got obsessed with but strangely got tired of?

Yes a lot of em actually xD
Like Katekyo Hitman Reborn or Tokyo Ghoul.

4-in a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a dense, foolish, idiot are you?

Em... thats a good question
I consider myself a 7th scaled idiot xD
8 dense
And foolish well... depends :P i give it 5

5-who is your "Same Sex/Gender" crush in a show, book ...etc?

Er... i dont get the question but i guess im normal :P

6-Favourite Siuperpower?

Invisibility :3

7-Favorite Line of all time?

... i dunno wut it that :v

8-How you feel about death? Do you fear it or do you respect it?

Well it depends, if i had to die protecting someone i love i wouldnt be scared.
So i guess i respect it, i dont make fun of dead ppl :P

9-So, a super cute girl/boy walks up to you and sais: my mom's convinced i have a girl/boyfriend and that im bringing him/her to my bros wedding, but i dont.Do you think you could fit thr role for a day?

A- swear
B-agree but only if you get paid
C- agree politely (meh why not? :v)
D-B**** slap him/her
F-say ur takin but ur not
G-Turn down negatively
H-Turn down politely
I-walk away
K-Roll your eyes
L- glare
M-turn down politely but give your bff number

10-what is the most awkward situation youve been?

XD ahaha too many to say

My questions:
1-What do you like about people?
2-When you meet someone you judge or you trust?
3-What habbies do you have?
4-which person do u trust most on the internet?
5-How would you rate your social life?
6-Which is the most common thought you get?
7-Which is the worst thing you could get as a present?
8-When was the last time you touched your nose with ur tonge
9-fav film?
10- Last thing you did?

Tagged ppl:

IHazOreo (muahaha xP)

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