Jason watched a disney movie?

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[a/n- ok, for those of you that kept asking when the next update is, here you go! Sorry it took so long and it isn't that long or interesting, but I wrote the entire thing in like two hours because I promised I'd update soon so I apologise if I made any stupid mistakes XD
Anyway, thank you all for your patience, I'll try to update sooner than 4 months XD wow I didn't even realise it's been that long since the last actual chapter. Whoops. Sorry!
Oh and, enjoy the ending, I'm ready for you all to shout at me in the comment section XD]

You may be wandering why (y/n) is laying on the ground covered in honey and feathers. It's a long story, it started back when she was...wait....what's that? You've already read most of how she got there, but what about Jason and Jack? You've met them? Oh...okay, where did you get up to? The prank war? When she ran away after pranking each of them for the first time? Ohhhhh okay! That makes sense. You'll have to excuse my poor excuse for comical relief here, just a silly idea I had in class. Oh right you're still wandering what happened with the feathers and such, okay, let's go back a little ways.

~Le time skip back about 20 minutes ago brought to you by my writers block~

It's been three days, L.J and Jason have glued (y/n) to various objects and written things on her forehead rather hilariously. (Y/n) has also gotten her revenge in equally amazing ways, like when she wrote 'I'm a douchebag' on the bottom of Jason's tea cup so when he took a sip the words showed up so L.J and her could laugh at the toymaker. Jack was also pranked by (y/n) when she offered him a caramel apple, he shouldn't have accepted it, but him being the candy loving clown that he is, he did. As soon as he bit into it (y/n) couldn't contain her laughter as the clowns face contorted in realisation that instead of an apple it was an onion. These pranks tended to go backward and forward until...

"Okay, okay, clown, I understand that due to this truce we must work together, correct?" Jason asked pacing backward and forward across the room.

Jack was leaning against the wall watching Jason pace with an eyebrow raised and amusement in his eyes. "Yes? That was the general idea but she seems to be kicking our asses" Jack pauses before chuckling at his own comment and the double take Jason took afterward.

Jason clears his throat after ceasing his endless pacing. "Yes well, I believe I have a plan. You see, I was...'hanging out' with a child before (y/n) found Mr. Bunny [i can't be bothered going back so I'm just fixing it from now on XD sorry for any inconvenience] and the child made me watch this movie called..." Jason pauses in thought for a moment before raising his hands and shifting his hands like quotation marks, "'emperors new groove' and if we perfect the stunt they use in the film we may be able to get back at (y/n) for all the pranks she has gotten on us."

Jack nods slowly. "Ok Einstein, care to elaborate properly or am I just helping out here?" Jack states sarcastically.

Jason grins as green flickers through his eyes. "Oh don't worry clown, all in good time"

~Le time skip to 5 minutes before the present, (y/n) POV~

I gently and quietly unlocked my bedroom door. I haven't left in hours to protect myself from any pranks the boys had planned for me, unfortunately nature is calling though and I don't have a toilet in my bedroom. I tiptoed down the hallway before hearing snoring from the lounge room, sighing in relief I make my way to the toilet.

After doing my business and washing my hands I make my way to the kitchen to grab some more essentials to survive before trying to run back to my room. Unfortunately they had other plans, I felt something slimy slip around my ankle grabbing ahold of it and dragging me across the tiles. The first drag making me yelp in shock as my body hit the floor. Only then did I register the thing that was dragging me was LJ's hand and the arm seemed to stretch outside the house...wait...oh no!

~POV change to me, the narrator because I'm enjoying watching this unfold~

The kitchen door was opened by Jason as he smirked at (y/n) whom of which couldn't keep her grip on anything to stop her from being dragged out by Jack. After Jack dragged (y/n) outside Jason picked her up bridal style which would have made her blush if not for the sadistic smirk he gave her. As (y/n) struggled against him, Jason only chuckled and dropped her into an enormous tub of honey where she was then picked up by a grinning carny and thrown into a kiddy pool full of feathers. After (y/n)'s head popped back up in pure shock she noted Laughing Jacks cackling and Jason's laughing, he was genuinely laughing, she couldn't help but join them.

"Guys are you serious?" She paused due to laughter, "I'm not Yzma!" She shouted before getting up and trying to carefully climb out of the feathers. "And if I were, you'd both be Kronk's" she giggles before running over to LJ.

After some laughing subsided. "Kid? Kiddo why are you running over to me?" Jack starts backing up, eyes slowly narrowing. "Wait, wait you better not-" squelch.

(Y/n) gave LJ a huge bear hug covering him in feathers, still laughing they both chase after Jason to get him as well.

"No, Jack, (y/n), don't you dare!" He began to run holding onto his hat so it doesn't fall off. "Come now this is rather undignified!" Jason shouted only to run straight into a teleporting clown.

"Hi there Jason." Jack then wraps his long skinny arms around Jason, again and again like snakes only for (y/n) to hug Jason from behind.

"Group hug!" She shouted before giggling.

Jason struggled for a short amount of time before surrendering and chuckling. "Okay, okay, I give up." He smiled after they all let go of each other.

(Y/n) put her hands on her hips, a faint smile still lingering on her lips. "Well thanks to you two I have to go shower and get changed." She said trying to look grumpy with the boys.

Jason smiles apologetically while Jack looks (y/n) up and down. "Do you need a hand with that kiddo?" Jack asked with a smirk.

Jason slapped him upside the head while (y/n) blushed. "No, anyway, no more pranking ok guys, we're all even..." (Y/n) smiled awkwardly before making her way inside to shower.

Jason turned to Jack after she left. "Subtle clown, real subtle." He glared at Jack.

Jack only shrugged before chuckling giving Jason a sharp toothed grin. "This mean our truce is over toy boy?" Jack said getting uncomfortably close to Jason's face.

Jason didn't back down from the glare though, he simply returned it. "Yes, it does. I'll see you inside after we've all cleaned ourselves up." Jason states irritably before walking away calmly.

Jack chuckles. "Race you to (y/n)'s room after cleaning up!" Jack grins before teleporting off and Jason speed walks inside to go through the little blue door so he can go home.

~Le time skip about 5 minutes brought to you by me trying to write all of this quickly because you've all been begging me for an update~

After putting on one of her more comfortable and laze about outfits, (y/n) makes her way to the lounge room where she sat on the couch about to turn on the TV when a black gloved hand wrapped a wet rag around her mouth. As (y/n)'s eyes widened the soon became heavy. The last thing she heard was a males voice beside her ear.


~Le time skip another 5 minutes brought to you by me listening to Heart Has Value by Madame Macabre~

The boys arrived at the same time only to see (y/n) wasn't in her bedroom so they decided to check the lounge room. Jack frowned upon entering and not finding her so he decided to try the kitchen whilst Jason noticed a slip of paper on the couch, picking up the page he called Jack over and read it aloud for the clown to hear.

Jason frowned at the page. "Jack, come here I found something." He paused, "thanks for the girl boys, good luck finding us! ~ C.P"

Jack paused, shock in his eyes but hadn't crept into his features yet. "C.P? Isn't that everyone we know? Why sign CreepyPasta? That doesn't make anything easier! Damn it!" Jack growled struggling to put a claw on who it could be.

Jason sat down with a furrowed brow, his mind ticking through the possibilities, who would have taken (y/n)? Who would want her or have something against the boys? That's when the C.P crossed his mind, one he has always been a rival with.



Laughing Jack X reader X Jason the toymakerWhere stories live. Discover now