The truth is finally out

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[a/n- I know it's a little short but I finally updated it guys! And you guys get to pick your boy next chapter but it's not over yet!]

(Y/n) was sat down with Mr. Tickletwist discussing her past. And the conversation had merely begun. "So what do you know of my past?" (Y/n) inquired wanting to know everything she was forced to forget.

"Ah! Well I know many things!" He said excitedly straightening his posture getting into what can only be assumed as story telling mode. "Back when you were only thiiiis big," he said holding his hand less than a meter off of the ground "you came to us for the first time, slender wasn't too pleased, and some of the," he struggled to find the right word "...'beings', tried getting to you, not that you had to worry. Both Jack and Jason were super protective!" He chuckled. (Y/n) smiled fondly at the thought of the boys protecting her innocent and naive child self. Seeing this made Mr. Tickletwist chuckle once more. "However, the boys had to attend regular meetings with Slenderman about wether or not you can keep coming to the mansion and be allowed to keep your memories. While these meetings took place I stayed by your side." He flashed you a grin, it was still mischievous but there seemed to be some kindness in there somewhere. His expression darkened afterwards though,"however, after a few weeks, everything went down hill."

(Y/n) moved to the edge of her seat, "please, I have to know what happened. I can't live in the dark anymore." She pleaded, as if she were to start crying. With a grim expression Mr. Tickletwist continued.

"Well, you came time that Slenderman had had enough, he wanted one of the boys to kill you. He wanted to see your remains himself, but neither of the boys could bring themselves to harm you."

There was a heavy silence in the air until (y/n) broke it. " sibling."

Mr. Tickletwist nodded. "You two looked much alike, there was great debate over it. They would've gotten somebody else to do it but there was a higher risk of Slenderman finding out the more people that knew. Jason would've done it but he didn't want to in case it ruined your friendship." Once again he paused to let (y/n) allow the information to sink in.

"...Jack. Jack did it" she almost began to weep, she held back any rising sobs and swallowed the lump in her throat. Once more Mr. Tickletwist continued.

"I was occupying you whilst they fought over who had to do the deed, I listened carefully to their conversation. Jason was shocked at first but he knew how brutal the clown could be so he accepted it, at least he did until even he was stunned by the clowns next sentence. 'I know (y/n) will hate me when she finds out, and she will one day but if this means she'll live I'll do it.'" His voice lowered to match that of Jack's when he's serious, "'but if she chooses you when all of this is over, I want you to guard her with your life.' Jason only stood in shock but nodded, that was the first time he'd ever seen Jack be so serious about something, then he left to go after your sibling." He spoke as if he was watching the scene unfold all over again. (Y/n) had tears rolling down her cheeks, half happy half sad, she missed her sibling but she was pleased to finally know the truth about what happened to (him/her).

Wiping away her tears and calming herself down (y/n) nodded for him to continue. "The fake murder of you worked. The boys got a few extra months with you, at first you were very upset about your sibling which kept Laughing Jack away from you. Without his bubbly attitude you stayed said for roughly a month or two but he helped you get past your grief as best he could. However he wasn't pleased that Jason was the only one helping you through this period because your parents were wrapped up in their own sorrows. Jason was a great help to you, he made you many toys and kept you company day and night. Unfortunately everything must come to an end. One day Slenderman was looking for the boys, they didn't have work at the time so there was no reason for them to be out of the mansion, of course when he found them with you he was enraged. Tendrils springing to life he fought with them trying to get to you. You of course ran inside after being instructed to by Jason. You hid as they fought. Working as a team Jason swiped and fought with his long legs and tendrils while Jack was able stretch himself out to fight against Slenderman's arms and tendrils. They fought until he fell on his back, it was guaranteed victory but the boys used it to calm him down, once they were able to talk him out of killing you they thought of an idea that was better for you. Slenderman would erase your memories, the boys were sad they couldn't see you anymore but they were pleased that you would be able to live a proper life so they agreed!" He finished looking pleased with himself, happy with the way everything turned out.

(Y/n) just looked surprised, everything they did. Good or bad was for her, she just couldn't believe it. They tried so hard to do their absolute best to make sure she's happy.

The moment was quickly ruined however by the amazing timing of a teleporting clown that was helping a gentlemanly toy maker teleport with him. As the smoke cleared around the men another puff of smoke filled the room, smoke the colour of a washed out red, then Mr. Tickletwist was gone. The boys were about to quickly make an advance to go after him but (y/n) stopped them, wrapping an arm around both of the boys torsos and trapping them in a hug. Surprised at first but noticing her tears and large smile they realised that she must have been told the truth after so long. Smiling Jason wrapped an arm around (y/n)'s waist bringing her in closer for a better hug. Similarly Jack was grinning, he wrapped his arm around her several times above Jason's and brought her closer between them as well. After a moment they all let go...well, Jack unwrapped but they were no longer holding each other. Sharing a familiar grin they decided.

"Let's go home." (Y/n) said looking the happiest she had in a long time.

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