Chapter 11

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'Come on.' Chanyeol said as Baekhyun was trying his best to keep up.

'It's not my fault your steps are giant.' He whined making a few steps while Chanyeol only did one.
After Baekhyun felt like running in a marathon, they finally found themselves in front of a hairdresser.
They went in and immediately were greeted by a cute guy.
'Hello, I'm Lu Han. How can I help you?'

'Change this kid's hair colour. Silver.' Chanyeol replied bluntly, getting straight to the point.

'The same shade as yours sir?' The deer like boy asked.

'Yep' he said making a popping the 'p'.

Meanwhile the petite boy got closer to Chanyeol ear.
'She's really cute.' Baekhyun whispered to Chanyeol, when he saw 'her' leave.

'It's a he.' The latter replied and Baekhyun blushed in embarrassment.

'So cutie, shall we begin?' Lu han said as he took Baekhyun's hand and leaded him to sit on the black leather chair. He noticed Chanyeol furrowing his eyebrows a little and smirked.
'Relax, I'm not going to steal him away from you.' At that comment the brunette turned redder than a tomato. 'Let's begin then shall we?' He continued and Baekhyun nodded.

Chanyeol was waiting on one of the chairs near the window for nearly two hours. After making some calls and sending important text messages, Lu Han finally signaled the end of Baekhyun's makeover.

'Done!' He said as he was stretching his arms. 'Here, you can have your baby back.' Chanyeol shot him a glare and the latter was laughing his heart out.

The petite boy approached the giant, his eyes looking at the wood floor.

'Um, is it okay?' He asked embarrassed and Chanyeol smirked.

'Yes.' Was all he said and lowered him self to give him a peck on his forehead.

'KYAAAA!!! So cuteeee!' They heard Lu Han scream from behind. 'Sorry I couldn't contain my feels.' He apologized and continued cleaning the place.

'How much?' Chanyeol asked ignoring his squealing.

'Hmmm, for that cutie, free.' He said as he flashed a smile. Baekhyun did a 90 degrees bow and thanked him.
They exited the place and immediately Baekhyun's stomach growled.

'You want to grab something to eat?' Baekhyun nodded shyly and Chanyeol grabbed his hand. 'Hope you like fish.' He said while leading him to the place.
After walking like that, hand in hand, they finally arrived at the place. It was a really expensive restaurant, judging by the looks.

'B-but, look how I'm dressed.' Baekhyun commented and Chanyeol just stared.

'I'm dressed the same way. Don't worry, no one will judge as long as you pay.' Chanyeol replied and the latter mumbled a Good enough.
They entered the restaurant and were greeted by a waiter who led them to their table.

'Here's the menu sir. Take your time.' And they did just that. Chanyeol ordered for Baekhyun since he didn't know what most of the things were. They ordered seafood spaghetti and some other small, fish related dishes.

'Do you like it?' Chanyeol asked while Baekhyun immediately nodded.

'Thank you for treating me.' He said while flashing that breathtaking eyesmile of his.

'Would you like dessert?' The waiter asked and Chanyeol shook his head. He saw the small guy pout and lifted his chin.

'We'll buy it elsewhere.' He said while giving him a small peck. At that, Baekhyun smiled again.

'Ice...cream...truck?' Baekhyun asked, surprised that Chanyeol was sending him here.

'You don't like ice cream?' He asked confused as to how someone can not like ice cream.

'No, it's not that.' He said while laughing. 'It's just that your child side has appeared. It's so cute!' He said while doing a small jump.

Chanyeol was looking at him confused and just changed topic. 'What flavor?'

'Hmm, yogurt!' He replied and Chanyeol just got two of those. They took their ice creams and sat on a bench. There you could see the whole city and the sunset.

'Wahh, so prettyyy!' Baekhyun said as the sun was getting redder each second. He was mesmerized by the view and accidentally made his whole lip dirty with ice cream.

Chanyeol sighed and turned the latter's face, so that he was facing him.
'I'll fix that.' He said while licking and sucking his bottom lip. 'There.'

Baekhyun blushed in a shade darker than the sunset.
'C-can I ask you a question?'

'Shoot.' Chanyeol replied.

'Why the ice cream truck.' It was such a small detail, but It made Baekhyun wonder. There are other posh restaurants, with maybe better ice cream than this. And also the fact that they went this far for this.

'When I was a kid,' Chanyeol started while staring at the sunset 'My mother used to send me here every time I behaved well, or even just for fun.' He let out a sad laugh.
'It used to be our bonding time together. And she used to tell me that when I grow up, I should take the person I wanted to spend time with, here.'
Baekhyun's heart was beating so fast at that moment, he was afraid it was going to burst out of his cage. Chanyeol was being so kind to him and just the thought that he brought him here made the butterflies in his stomach go wild.

'T-thank you...and your mom seems really sweet. I wanna meet her sometime.' Baekhyun said in a kind of excited voice.

'She's dead.' He replied in a low tone, cutting to the chase.

'I-I'm sorry, I didn't mea-'

'It's okay, you have nothing to apologize for.' He interrupted.

On one hand Baekhyun was happy that Chanyeol finally told him something about himself, but it wasn't something happy.
He must have been through a lot. Baekhyun thought. He really didn't know what to say. Maybe the reason why he was so cold was because of his childhood.

'I'm sure she would be proud of you now.' He said while smiling and Chanyeol turned his head. His face finally showed some feelings, but Baekhyun couldn't put a name on it. He looks surprised. Did I say something wrong? Wha- His thoughts stopped when Chanyeol captured his lips for the third time that day. It was a slow kiss and it showed no lust whatsoever. He had his hands around Baekhyun's waist while the latter had his hands around the giants neck, pulling him closer. They pulled back due to the lack of air, their foreheads touching and eyes staring at each other.

'Let's go. It seems like it's going to rain.' Chanyeol whispered and Baekhyun hummed in approval. He gave him another small peck before they both left for their lake house.

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