Luna Moth

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working on a Luna moth character, I really like how it's going I just wanted to say like my styles shifting back into being kinda more realistic and I feel like it's not very original or noticeable idk? I like it but I feel like it isn't consistent it's weird idk

working on a Luna moth character, I really like how it's going I just wanted to say like my styles shifting back into being kinda more realistic and I feel like it's not very original or noticeable idk? I like it but I feel like it isn't consisten...

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She's probs gonna be some sort of queen

Also so when I was trying to download the free trial for autodesk sketchbook I accidently payed for a month but I've been messing around with it more and it's getting easier so life protip don't give up on drawing system cause they seem hard at first t gets easier k bye this was pointless but I'm probably not gonna post much this weekend s o

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