Chapter 7 - 8

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Cheryl lowered her magazine so she could admire Kimberley’s freshly shaven head. The look of sheer embarrassment on Kimberley’s face, when she realised what she was doing, made her laugh.

“It’s going to take some getting used to, babe.”

“I’m hideous.”

Cheryl threw her magazine to one side and quickly crawled over to drag Kimberley into a bone crushing hug.

“No you’re not Kimba.”

She pushed Kimberley’s shoulder to create some distance between them, just enough so she could look her in the eye. 

Kimberley opened her mouth to say something but Cheryl cut her off with a swift kiss to the lips. When they parted, she pressed their foreheads together and took in a deep, shaky breath.

“You’re perfect to us, Kimba.”

Cheryl watched in adoration as Kimberley’s mouth formed a tiny pout. When it did, her stomach flipped wildly. She looked down, shocked, and pressed her palm against her abdomen.

“That was strange-”

Kimberley looked up and frowned, “What babe?”

Cheryl’s eyes widened as she frantically tried to come up with a realistic response, “Oh um, something on the television. Do you want another cup of tea, pet?”

Before she received an answer, she was already half way to the kitchen.


Nicola and Sarah were the first through the front door, with Nadine traipsing behind. Cheryl quietly closed the door behind them and then followed them through to the living room. 

“So what’s this all about? Where’s Kimberley?” Nicola questioned suspiciously. 

Cheryl looked down and anxiously played with the hem of her shirt. She could feel three pairs of eyes on her and she knew that she would have to answer Nicola’s questions soon. The thing is that she didn’t believe that she should be the one giving them the news. Unfortunately though, Kimberley wasn’t up for the job and could barely get out of bed because she was that exhausted. They’d both agreed that she would crumble under the stress of having to tell the other girls. 

“Wait, is it about Kimberley?” Nadine asked suddenly, causing Cheryl to jump and whip her head in shock.

“Aye, it is.”

Sarah, sensing what Nadine was thinking, started to speak: “Are you going to gossip about your best mate, Chez?”

Cheryl feigned offence, “Excuse me, I’m not like that.”

Nicola patted the spot on the sofa beside her, beckoning Cheryl to take a seat. The Geordie refused and instead, started to frantically pace back and forth across the room. This definitely scared the other girls.

“Oh God, what’s happened?” Nicola squeaked.

Cheryl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had to do it. After slight hesitation, she turned on her heel and faced the three women.

“Kimberley has breast cancer.”


Kimberley was half asleep when she felt the bed dip on the opposite side. She quietly rolled over to face Cheryl once she felt the younger woman lie down. 

“How did they take it?”

She heard Cheryl take a deep breath and knew already that it was going to be bad news.

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