Intruder spotted

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Dahlia pov
I walk down the empty corridor as silently as possible not wanting to wake those who were most likely in bed. Lucky fuckers. Its five a.m And im just now heading to my room to try to get some rest. I see something move outside out of the corner of my eye. My mind said it was nothing but my instincts and training told me otherwise. My head whipped to the side in time to see a person standing in the junk yard next to the building. Tall. Male. I squinted my eyes to focus on the mystery guy standing in the middle of a fucking junk yard at 5 a.m. he had on military green pants with a variety of patches sewn in and a brown leather jacket. Shit....he wasn't from around here. He was either a vagabond or scout from our enemy camp. Either way he was a trespasser. All traces of fatigue vanished with the demand of focus that came with the current situation.

Next thing i know he sees me and ducks behind one of the junk cars."damnit dahlia! Stupid girl" I mentally curse myself. I hold my breath and stand very still waiting for him to stand up. After What feels like a eternity of staring out a dirty window at nothing, sure enough mystery guys silhouette slowly comes back into view. I let out the breathe i was holding and turn in the opposite direction to go pull the alarm.

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