The Beauty of Labor

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Hey guys this is going to be a long chapter warning before you read ahead.

Novae Pov

Terese and I are driving home from this doctor's appointment, the doctor said the baby was fully engaged and was ready to pop out. However, for some odd reasons he's being stubborn.

"It was only a matter of time before the contractions start again."

This was not the best mood to have possible set me in.

"I hated these contractions and I wanted nothing to do with them, but I had no choice."

Terese Pov

My baby has been a lot on the grumpy side lately, the doctor said the baby might be here any minute because he had passed his due date.

Lately she's just been all mood and shit, this was all due to the baby being late. She's also been having these Braxton Hicks contractions, at first she gets into that energetic mood as if nothing can steal her happiness, then she goes back to being moody again.

"Honestly I don't really blame her, I've been feeling a bit down myself because my boy hasn't yet arrived."

Her next new due date was March 7, if he wasn't here on his own by then, then they were going to induce her so she could start the labour.

"Baby why don't you try some more of that stuff you learned in the parenting class?"

"I asked, as I handed her the burger."

"Babe, I hate spicy food and I said no pickles on my burger plus I don't feel like talking about it."

"She whined as she bit into her burger."

"Okay, what are some other things you might want to try?"

She asked as I slowly turned our avenue.

"Well, I answered with a smile across my face."

"She gave me a weird look, then returned my smirk."

Well what Terese? She asked in the most seductive demanding way she possibly could.

"Well, there's alway sex, in which, the semen in it contains a dose of prostaglandins to ripen and soften the cervix."

"Then, the orgasms can stimulate the uterus and it can help release the contraction hormone oxytocin." I said as I pulled up in the drive way, and looked her dead in her eyes.

Novae Pov

The only thing I could do was laugh, I mean this was some serious shit. I went from being pissed off to completely happy in a minute.

"These damn hormones."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, its as if he knew more than I did.

"I see somebody has been reading a lot, I said as he got up and helped me out the car."

"We babe, we definitely will be doing that until Tyrone's lazy ass pop out of me." I said chuckling at the words that just came out of his mouth.

"He smirked, I walked through the garage and went straight upstairs with Terese behind me."

"What?? he asked as I looked at him."

"Oh nothing."

Babe, I'm a man and there's no way in hell I was going to fuck over a chance from fucking you.

"And there was also nipple stimulation, which basically set off the oxytocin, he continued as I sat down at the edge of the bed."

I could say nothing, but continued to listen to him helplessly.

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