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I wave Jax over and the look on his face sends chills down my spine and back up again. The likelihood of an orphan living in the house of my late great grandparents is unlikely. The likelihood of a paper flying through my window and onto my head that has that same houses address on it is highly unlikely. The likelihood of the boy that moved from the same small town to the other side of the country as me, with the same name as the guy in my dreams, showing up at that house, at the same time as me is beyond extremely unlikely. So the odds of a random person showing up for a sunrise chit chat was... I can't give it a label. It just can't be.

We waited around for a while, unmoving, and as quiet as possible, waiting to see if the bell would ring again. It felt like a lifetime had passed when we finally heard the door swing open. I began to question whether or not the stranger was the one to open the door when I didn't hear anymore noises, but after a few seconds, the attic door handle turned and Flannery was before us.

I expected Flannery to look either very upset or very happy when she returned, but what I saw was neither. Flannery looked concerned, scared even. Had we been caught?

"Merlot. Jax." She said stoically. It felt like all happiness drained from the room, it began to get cold, the air felt stagnant. "I... this was on the doormat when I came around."

Jax stiffened beside me as Flannery raised up a small bright red key. The moment felt like déjà vu to me, it seemed so familiar, and yet I couldn't pinpoint it. Flannery and Jax looked to me, waiting for our next move, but I was lost in a daydream.

Dear Merlot,

I saw a girl the other day, she was new to town. When I first caught a glimpse of her auburn hair, I was entranced. She was walking around with a friend, I suppose. Of course a girl as mesmeric as she would already have a friend. Her friend was a blonde, she wasn't much, seemed a lot like a town tomboy. She did have an accessory that stood out to me. A bright red key hung from her neck. I wasn't sure if it was a charm or actually used for something, it was so small.


I know that I usually send one update per letter, but I had extra time, so I decided to send you two in one! So trendy, check me out Merlot!

Back to my story. Merlot, I found out that the new girls will be attending the same school as me! I can't wait to let you know how it goes with the auburn-haired one.

-Love always,


Of course. The key was in a dream. Right before he told me about Danielle. Danielle's friend must've been the one with the key! Why must there always be dream Jax connections to my life?

"Guys, I don't mean to freak you out but, I've seen that key before, well, more like imagined that key before. Dream Jax told me about a girl that wore a bright red key around her neck, this is exactly how I pictured it." I tried to make my explanation seem as normal as possible. I think this beats asking if dream Jax would plant me in his garden in front of real Jax and my entire class on the first day of school

"That makes perfect sense Merlot. Thank you so much for clearing this up for us." I did not appreciate the attitude Jax was giving with his response to me, as if I needed that.



Dear Merlot {COMPLETED/REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now