Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The tv was at full volume as Hannah got ready. "IT LOOKS LIKE GENGAR IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! SEADRA WINS!" Shouted the announcer. Hannah turned off the tv and faced herself in the mirror.

"Ok! You got this! Today's the day I get my training license and start my journey!!!" She shouted as she fixed her purple glasses. Her brown hair was brushed out and was in a neat ponytail. She pulled on her favorite jacket and bag and was almost out the door before her mom called her.

"HANNAH! Don't forget this!" She shouted as she handed Hannah a large lunchbox.

"Mom, I'm only gonna be gone for a few minutes to pick up my Pokemon." Explained Hannah. "Xero and Evie are meeting me back here. I'm leaving for my journey tomorrow." Hannah finished and handed back the lunch. She gave her mom a big smile and a hug before running down the street to the professor oak's lab. She ran through the small town and noticed a huge crowd of people in front of the lab.

'What the heck! Oh wait... Ugh.' She started to notice the Garry fan girls and rolled her eyes. Garry Oaks was getting his Pokemon as well and like usual, the entire town was acting crazy. She pushed her way through the crowd and ran up the steps to the door of the lab. She opened the door to find the one, the only, Garry Oaks. Hannah sighed and looked at him, a dumb looking grin on his face. He had a pokeball in his hand and raised it in the air, the spectators below shouted and the cheerleaders started to shout louder. Garry pushed his way bast Hannah causing her to fall flat on her rear. Garry didn't even notice as he walked down the stairs, taking his sweet time. Oh how she wanted to throw a rock and watch him tumble down the rest of the stairs, but she kept her cool. She looked up to see professor Oak at the door.

"You must be Hannah! I'm professor Oak, you're here to get your Pokemon license correct?" He asked. Hannah nodded and dusted off her pants. She walked inside and her jaw dropped at the amazing technology all around her. Xero had told her about a thousand time how cool the lab was, and how it was easy to pick charmander as his starter Pokemon.

"Woah." Was all she could say as they walked up to a little table with three poke balls placed on pedestals. She stared at them, and suddenly it became hard to choose. 'Squirtle was cute, and water types could learn to swim later so that could be handy.' Her hand slowly reached out for Squirtle, but it stopped when her eyes fell on Charmander. 'Xero's always going on and on about how great having a charmander is.' She backed away from the Squirtle and moved towards the Charmander. Her hand grazed over the Bulbasaur and the pokeball shook, and it caught her attention. 'Bulbasaur... A grass type... Nothing to special right?' She reached out and picked up Bulbasaur.

"Have you made your decision yet?" Asked Oak. Hannah looked down at the pokeball and nodded confidently.

"Yeah, I have!" Said Hannah. Professor Oak nodded and handed her five pokeballs and a pokedex.

"Your license is in the pokedex, and here are your five extra pokeballs to start with. You can only hold six Pokemon at a time. If you're not sure what a Pokemon is, use the pokedex. The pokedex will also collect information about Pokemon and that will help me in my research." Explained Oak. Hannah thanked him and ran out the door. She struggled past the Garry fans who were still outside the lab and bolted home. On the way she bumped into a boy with black hair who was running down the road shouting something about the time. She finally got back home to see her little brother Owen, Xero and Evie outside waiting on the front porch.

"So! How'd it go?" Asked Evie, who seemed just as excited as Hannah.

"What starter did you get? I bet you got-" Hannah knew what Xero was going to say and cut him off there.

"Charmander? No. I actually chose Bulbasaur!" Said Hannah, pulling the pokeball out of her bag. "Come on out, Bulbasaur!" She shouted as she threw the pokeball in the air. It opened and in a bright flash of light, Bulbasaur came out. Owen ran over and hugged it.

"It's so cute!" He said. "I can't wait until I'm old enough to be a trainer!" He added. He was only two years younger than Hannah, so he still had a little ways to go.

"You seem so confident in your choice..." Said Xero, looking at the little grass type. "How about we have a little Pokemon battle? One on one to find out what the better starter is?" He asked, standing up and pulling a pokeball out of his pocket. Hannah nodded in agreement, her first Pokemon battle! Evie stood up as well.

"I'll be ref." She said, picking up her Piplup.

"I'll be a spectator!!!" Shouted Owen, excited to see a live Pokemon battle. They walked to a little field and Xero and Hannah walked on either ends.

"Ok! I'll be referee for this match! This is a one on one match and you are allowed only one Pokemon! You can not trade a Pokemon in the middle of the match. When opponents of your Pokemon is unable to battle, the remaining Pokemon and there trainer win the match. Begin!" Shouted Evie, standing on the edge of the field.

"Alright Bulbasaur! Let's go!!!" Shouted Hannah. Bulbasaur ran out to the middle of the field.

"Ok Charmander! I chose you!!!" Shouted Xero, throwing Charmanders pokeball onto the field. It burst open and in a flash of light, Charmander was standing face to face with Bulbasaur. "Alright Hannah, your first." He said, Hannah nodded.

"Ok! Bulbasaur use tackle!" She shouted. Bulbasaur nodded and lunged for Charmander. Charmander was fast and quickly dodged the attack.

"Charmander use Blaze!" Said Xero. Charmander growled and attacked. Bulbasaur wasn't nearly fast enough to escape. Bulbasaur was hit full on by the fiery attack.

"BULBASAUR!" Shouted Hannah as Bulbasaur fell down, knocked out. "Return." She said sadly. She lifted the pokeball and a red light shot out and pulled Bulbasaur back in the pokeball.

"The match is over, Bulbasaur is unable to battle! Xero and Charmander are the winners!" Said Evie, gesturing towards Xero and Charmander. Xero walked up to Hannah.

"Good match, you two seem like you'll be a great pairing." He said, shaking Hannah's hand. Hannah nodded quickly.

"I need to take him for the Pokemon center, bye!" She shouted, before running off back towards town. She sprinted through the doors of the Pokemon center and handed nurse joy her pokeball.

"Can you heal him?" She asked, nurse joy smiled and nodded. She took the pokeball and placed it on a machine. She pressed a button and the pokeball started to glow. A little ding was heard and she took it off the machine and handed it back to Hannah.

"Come back any time." Said nurse joy. Hannah thanked her and was leaving when she bumped into someone.

"Watch it!"...

To be continued...

Thanks for reading this! Please comment and follow me! I'll be doing more chapters of this is a success! Keep in mind I'm using my phone, and autocorrect hates my guts so if you see a funky spelling error, just point it out and I'll try to fix it! Thanks again!!! :)

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