Chapter 5: The New Pokemon

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"Well you kinda gotta get more than two Pokemon, that's for sure." A girl with short silvery blue hair stood at the top of the hill. She wore a black jacket and a white undershirt. Her dark blue denim jeans had tears. Her black combat boots were slightly muddy. Avery cracked a smile.

"Hey Snow! It's been a while!" Shouted Avery. Snow just laughed and slid down the hill. When she reached the bottom, she tackled Avey and Art in a hug.

"Oh, hi Snow. I thought you were going to stay in Johto?" Asked Art, doing his best to escape Snows bone crushing hug. Snow kinda laughed and let both of them go.

"Competing in the Indigo league sounded fun! Way better that working on some ranch!" She said. More bushes began to rustle and a girl ran out from the shrubbery screaming. Her brown and blond hair was full of leaves as she ran. Her pink tank top and shorts looked just as bad. She skidded down the hill and stopped mere inches away from everyone else.

"SNOOOOOOOOW! We got a problem!" She shouted, pointing to a swarm of Beedrill behind her. The girl spun around and pulled out a pokeball. "Let's go Oshawott!" She shouted, throwing the pokeball in the air. In a burst of light the pokeball opened and Oshawott tumbled out. "Hydropump!" She shouted and Oshawott sprayed the Beedrill with a powerful burst of water. A few of them fell to the ground, out cold. One Beedrill caught Hannah's eye though. It was close to the back and was a bright neon green color. She tugged Art's sleeve and pointed to it.

"Hey, I thought Beedrill were all yellow?" She asked, her eyes glued on the fluorescent colored Pokemon.

"That's a shiny Beedrill, I know shiny Pokemon are rare and all but you've never heard of them?" He said. Hannah smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"What can I say, I've only been a Pokemon trainer for like two days." She said, turning her attention back to the shiny Pokemon.

"Hey Snow! Aurora! Fall back! The towns just a little while away, they won't follow us all the way there!" Shouted Art as he pointed to Viridian city.

"We can take em'! Just like old times!" Shouted Avery as she pulled out two pokeballs. "Let's go! Hitmonlee and Poliwrath!" She shouted as she threw them into the air. Hitmonlee and Poliwrath exploded out of their pokeballs and faced the swarm of Beedrill.

"Alright Vaporeon! You too!" Shouted Snow, throwing a pokeball into the air. "Vaporeon use hydro pump!" Ordered Snow. Vaporeon nodded and shot a concentrated blast of water at the swarm, knocking a few out of the sky.

"Hitmonlee! Double kick! Poliwrath! Low sweep as the fall!" Shouted Avery. Hitmonlee launched into the air and knocked a few Beedrill into each other, causing a chain reaction that lead to the majority of them falling to the ground were Poliwrath was waiting. A soon as they got close enough, Poliwrath would knock them away from the rest of the Pokemon. Soon there was less than a dozen normal ones left, and the one shiny.

"Ok! Better now than never, let's go, Ratatat!" Shouted Hannah as she ran to the front. She threw Ratatat's pokeball at the green Beedrill and almost hit it. Hannah stood there in shock as Ratatat refused to leave his pokeball. "I said! Let's go RATATAT!" She shouted again, still no response. The Beedrill grabbed their comrades and started to retreat.

"And stay away!" Shouted Aurora, sticking out her tongue, Oshawott was doing the same.

"Real mature..." Muttered Art under his breath before walking off down the path.

"Alright! Return!" Said Avery. Hitmonlee and Poliwrath returned to their pokeballs and Avery picked them up. "Nice work, i'll get you guys a treat later or something." She added. Both of the pokeballs shook with agreement and Avery snickered. She pocketed the pokeballs and started to follow her brother down the road. Snow and Aurora were both congratulating there Pokemon about the fight and how well they did, while Hannah was off to the side.

"Why don't you listen to me!" She complained as she picked up the pokeball. It shook and in a flash of light, Ratatat was sitting on the path scowling at Hannah.

"Rata-Ratatat!" He said angrily before turning around so his back was facing her.

"HEY! Don't be so rude! What's your deal anyway!" Said Hannah, kneeling down to be at the pokemon's level. Ratatat scoffed and returned to his pokeball without another word. Hannah sighed, not totally sure what else to do. She turned around and ran behind everyone else. She walked slowly behind Aurora, still staring at Ratatat's pokeball.

"Hey, maybe you just need to show Ratatat some respect or something. He might still be mad at you for beating him when you captured him." Suggested Aurora.

"Ok... Hey, so how long have you and Snow known Avery and Art?" Asked Hannah, curious on how they knew each other.

"Well, Snow knew the two way before I ever met them. Both of their families have Pokemon ranches right next to each other, so I guess they've been friends for like forever." Explained Aurora as they walked down the little path. Hannah nodded and turned to the three walking ahead of them.
Soon a large building came upon the horizon. The closer they got, the more it looked like an indoor pool. It was a large teal building with little wave designs on the walls. Two large glass double doors was the entrance.

"Welcome to the Viridian City Gym!"

WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I updated a story!!! THE APOCALYPSE HAS STARTED!!! Chapter 6 coming soon!
(Ps I changed the Vermillion city gym to a different one because a friend wanted me to make them a gym leader and that were they were headed.)

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