Chapter 4: The Journey Begins part 2

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"Hi Avery." He said with a smile. Hannah's jaw dropped and now that she saw them side by side, they did look similar.

"Wait... You're that girl from ugh, what's it called... Oh yeah pallet town!" Said Avery, shaking her hand.

"She's gonna be competing in the indigo league!" Shouted Art.

"Alright! Some competition! Don't you flake out on us and decide not to compete." Said Avery, Art rolled his eyes. Hannah turned to see a large city in front of her.

"Woah... Viridian City... It's so cool!" Shouted Hannah, starting to run down the hill.

"WAIT!!! THIS IS A REALLY STEEP HILL!!! YOU'LL TRIP AND HURT YOURSELF." Shouted Art but Hannah payed him no attention.

Hannah laughed and continues to run. She quickly lost her footing and tumbled down a good ⅔ of the hill. Art and Avery walked down the hill to find Hannah at the bottom, scratched up and covered in dirt.

"Are you ok! That looked like it hurt!" Said Art, pulling disinfect and bandages from his bag.

"It's just a little fall, walk it off." Said Avery. Hannah winced as Art grabbed her arm and started to put disinfect on the little cuts.

"I said to be careful but noooooooo... No one listens to Art! He clearly has no idea what he's talking about ever!" He mumbled under his breath, yet everyone could still hear him. He finished and Hannah looked at her bandage covered arms.

"You come prepared don't you!" She said, thinking of her bag and it only having her pokeballs, a granola bar and her pokedex. Art nodded.

"Finally! Someone recognizes my hard work! I have what I need for any circumstance in this bag!" He said, patting his bag.

"You mean you man-purse?" Said Avery smirking. Arts face became bright red with embarrassment.

"I've told you! It's not a purse! It's a SATCHEL!!!" He managed to squeak out.

"Keep telling yourself that." Said Avery as she started to walk away. Art helped Hannah to her feet and they started to walk off, when a rustling bush caught her attention. A little Ratatat scurried out into the road.

"Oh cool! I CALL DIBS!!!" Shouted Hannah, pulling a pokeball from her bag.

"Whatever, I wouldn't want a weak normal type like that. I'm training fighting types cause they're the best." Said Avery.

"Weak normal types! Tell that to my smeargle! I have beaten you before!" Shouted Art, grabbing Smeargle and shoving him in Avery's face. The two siblings continued to argue what the superior Pokemon type was, and Hannah tried her best to tune them out.

"Let's go! Bulby!" She shouted, releasing Bulby from his pokeball. Art stopped arguing with Avery and stared at Bulby.

"ALRIGHT! Use vine whip!" Shouted Hannah. Bulbly attacked and hit Ratatat full on.

"Critical hit!" Shouted Art, Hannah barely heard because she was still tuning him out. Ratatat fell to the ground, out cold.

"Ok! Go! POKEBALL!!!" Shouted Hannah with extra enthusiasm as she threw the pokeball at her first wild Pokemon. The Ratatat was absorbed into the pokeball and it shook a few times before dinging slightly.

"Woohoo!!! Yes! High five Bulby!!!" Shouted Hannah, kneeling down and high diving the little grass type.

"What is his moves so far?" Asked Art, pulling out his notebook.

"Um... Tackle, vine whip I think that's it." Said Hannah. She looked down at Bulby and he nodded. Art sighed and put his notebook away.

"I'll need better grass type moves than that..." He said glumly.

"What the heck does that mean?!" Said Hannah, slightly offended. Avery rolled her eyes and punched her brother's shoulder.

"Smeargle can learn one move, sketch. It give Smeargle to permanently copy the last move used by their opponent. Art likes to train in the most effective type moves before entering a gym. I just hit them hard and pray for the best and for the most part that hasn't failed me." Explained Avery. Hannah stared at smeargle in amazement.

"Wow... That must take a while." She started, petting Smeargle on the head.

"It's strategy and the only reason I love normal types so much, they're so versatile, like a blank canvas." He explained. Hannah turned back and faced the city.

"So... What do you think is the best way to beat a gym?" Asked Hannah. Before Avey or Art could answer, a new voice was heard.

"Well you kinda gotta get more than two Pokemon, that's for sure."

To be continued...

Wooo! Chapter 4 is done!!! I like leaving these little cliffhangers, there fun! Who is the mysterious person! What will the water gym be like! Find out in chapter 5!!!
P.S. I'm also planning on making mini stories for each character (except Hannah because she gonna be in every chapter in this book) from their point of view! I've already started on Xero's so that good, but tell me who out of the other character you want next!

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