Chapter 7

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"It's about time." Lance said to the group. He was kind of surprised to see such a big group. He was only expecting to see Ash and professor Oak to attend the meeting but instead the young champion brought his entire possy.

"You guys can go now, I'll call you when we're done." Ash told his friends with a sigh.

The group of friends nodded in confirmation and Ash stepped out of the elevator to be face to face with the dragon tamer. Serena gave one last worry full look at Ash before the doors closed with a thud.

"Seems as though you have an admirer." Lance said with a smirk.

"What did you call me here for?" Ash remarked. He knew what he was talking about but decided not to feed into it just yet.

"Oh right to business aye? Well if you must skip the formalities I want it." Lance told him with emphasis on it.

"This again?" Ash asked. He always wanted it, but there was almost no way he was going to get it. Almost. Then he remember a conversation he had with professor Oak a few days ago.

"Let me see him then." Ash continued.

"I see we have a deal in the makings." Lance said with a smile.


It had been an hour and the group had decided to split up into smaller groups.

"Serena what do you think about these boots?" Dawn asked her friend.

After she heard no response, she looked over to her friend sitting on bench staring off in deep thought.

Dawn stormed over to her friend still holding the boots. "Serena!" She yelled waving her free hand in Serena's face.

"Huh? What?" Serena questioned.

"You zoned out again. We're supposed to be shopping, why can't you give me input." Dawn pouted.

"Sorry... just thinking of something." Serena said quietly.

"Could it be about our friend Ash?" Dawn asked teasingly.

Serena turned her head towards Dawn with a blush on her face. Dawn seeing this gave her a big grin. "Don't worry Serena, I'm only going to be setting you up with him a little bit."

Serena gave a sigh and got up attempting to shop again. As she was looking at shoes on the racks around her she felt her phone vibrating. She pulled it out and saw it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" She said hesitantly.

"Hey its Ash! Head back to the airport, me and Lance are almost done here." He said enthusiastically.

"Hey Ash is that your girlfriend?" She heard Lance yell in the background.

"Gotta go bye!" Ash yelled quickly before hanging up. Serena pulled the phone away from her head and looked at the phone. 'Lance thinks I'm his girlfriend?' Serena thought to herself. She silently began to cheer and blush at the thought. She then looked at the number that belonged to Ash on her screen. She made her way through the options. 'Add to contacts'. Now she needed a name to label it with.... '♡Bae♡'.... 'yeah that'll do just fine' Serena thought with a smile.

(Before I continue I just wanted to say idk why that lol. When I first started talking to my current girlfriend I found out she had done the same thing for me so why not lol.)


"So what did Lance talk to you about?" Gary asked. They were sitting on the couch playing video games in Ash's plane again.

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