
310 27 21

a minute ago

you have started chatting with Phil

Uhm, hi.

Phil is typing...

Phil ♡: Hello there! :D

So, my name is Dan.

Phil ♡: Hi, Dan, I'm Phil! But I guess you already figured that out by now lol

Haha, yeah.

Phil ♡: So, uh, what's up??

Oh, uh, nm, wbu?

Phil ♡: nm, just talking to you xD

Ohh okay =D

Phil ♡: So Dan, no offence, but how come you decided to message me?

Ah, a friend told me I should lmao.. I'm sorry

Phil ♡: ohh, alrighty then..

I'm sorry :/

Phil: nooo you're okay!!

So, not trying to be creepy or anything but tell me about urself?

Phil: ah, well, I'm 22 and live in York ^_^

York, UK or York, PA in America??

Oh shit sorry that sounds stalkerish :s

Phil: awh, that's okay xD and it's UK

Ohh, well I live in London ^~^

Phil: how old are you, Dan?

18 c:

Phil: oooohh okie cx


Phil: XDD I am too dw


Phil: oh snap, I gotta go. Catch you later??

Yep c:

Phil: mkay, bye dan!

BAi phIL

Phil: nerd xD

Das me cx

Phil: byeee

ByE =D

Nice meeting you btw

Phil: you too c:



This is how it starts :D

Hope you liked it c:

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