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Hey y'all heeyyy, I have returned with another KumiLeo drabble! Significantly longer because of my arbitrary absence. I hope it's alright and to your liking ;v; I spent quite a while on this n comparison to my other drabbles (and not just because it's well over the others' word limit). But really, for a while I was at camp and on vacation so I hope you forgive my unexpected leave!!;; I do have several other fics/drabbles in the works so please be patient! Thank you all for your continued support!! I hope you enjoy! <3 (Also want to apologize beforehand for any OOC-ness since it's been a while and I'm trying to get back into the groove.)

Prompt requested by @papillon-coeur!! Requests are still open ^^


Pure white snow fell as soft and as cold as the feelings within Leo. Staring outside the window from his quarters and watching what was probably the human embodiment of sunshine getting along with his sister was torturous in a way Leo could only describe as the pain of being stabbed with a lance a thousand times to his heart.

Maybe he was being a bit overdramatic. But wasn't everyone protective over someone they loved? With someone they would run across the world for? Fight a war for? It's not like he openly expressed his dislike of Takumi getting super friendly with everyone (at least for the most part). Leo was never good at expressing his feelings anyway.

So when someone finally knocked on Leo's door, the latter replied in a noncommittal tone, already knowing who it was, and greeting said person with a blank stare when they opened the door.

Turning back to his book on Nohrian war tactics, Leo tried his best to sound nonchalant. "I hope the trip here was to your liking. Xander and I did our best to quell the remaining rebel cities and towns that continued their revolts after the peace treaty, but... ah... some people just don't seem to know when to quit," Leo said shaking  his head, eyes never straying from his book. Despite that, none of the words he read were registering well enough in his brain for any of it to make sense at all. Usually, such only happened when his emotions seemed to be bouncing off the wall in despondency. Of course, Takumi could probably feel it too, but Leo didn't--wouldn't--compel the other prince to comfort him unless he did so on his own accord. He didn't show weakness that easily.

From the entrance, a faint sigh was heard. Leo wondered if that was his answer: the ride didn't go so smoothly, or perhaps Takumi was tired. It did take a while to get to Nohr from Hoshido. Most of all, he wondered if Takumi was tired of him. Tired of his company, and his consistent acts of jealously.

Suddenly, a loud thud shot Leo out of his childish ignorance. As he placed his book on his lap and turned toward the source of the sound he was met with Takumi's light, amber eyes staring into his own dark, murky ones. From this close Leo could see the specks of gold and green glinting in his intense gaze. Quite contrasting to his own pure dark chocolate ones. Occasionally he overheard the maidens squeal about how his eyes were like pools of enigma. But Takumi saw through him. He always did. And Leo always appreciated how different he and Takumi were, but often wondered if they would've gotten along better if some of their views didn't crash and collide like stars into stardust.

Takumi sighed again except this time it was more wistful. "Stop being so petty. I still love you the most," the Hoshidan prince muttered, burrowing his head in Leo's shoulder to hide his embarrassment.

Leo felt his face go red at the prospect of being seen from his window and at Takumi's blunt words. The Nohrian prince scoffed. "When was I being petty?"

He felt Takumi smile against his shoulder and heard his mumbled words, "Camilla pointed it out. She noticed you watching and told me when you threw your curtain closed how jealous you probably were." Takumi chuckled. "I was just laughing next to her."

At this point, Leo's entire face was tomato red and he was sure Takumi could feel the heat emanating off of him. He let out a breath. "Who gave you the right to commit such unlawful acts?"

Takumi glared at him. "Says the one spying on me," the Hoshidan prince shot back. Leo watched from his peripheral vision as Takumi turned to lay on his back, face staring up at the ceiling. His eyes softened as he saw Takumi smile slightly. He adored the way Takumi's eyes crinkled up when he smiled. "Albeit, how moody you become whenever I'm with someone else is perhaps just another reason why I do love you."

"I don't see what you're implying," Leo answered evenly, closing his eyes. An exasperated huff and light slap from Takumi followed suit after the words left Leo's mouth and his lips quirked up slightly. Sleep seemed to plague the prince of Hoshido fairly quickly as he snuggled closer into Leo's side. A fond smile broke across Leo's face and he opened his eyes just enough to see the Hoshidan's peaceful face and hear his quiet snores.

While it was undeniable that Leo did get overprotective of Takumi, it seemed the latter liked that side of him too. Since Leo was seen as the "genius that knows how to act confidently in every given situation" he thought perhaps Takumi's interest in him would have spawned off of that. So his bouts of jealousy, at least to Leo, seemed silly. Why would he of all people feel such emotions, when logically, nothing even suggestive was going on between Takumi and whoever he was conversing with?

However, Takumi managed to surprise him again. In fact, the Hoshidan had even gone as far as teasing him about his acts of jealousy, which Leo thought weren't that obvious to begin with. As he gazed down at the Hoshidan prince, he realized that there were still many things neither knew about each other. Perhaps Takumi had been bluffing the entire time, yet deep down Leo knew he wasn't. That the other prince was just that observant. And Leo was okay with it. He wanted to keep learning and having Takumi surprise him with what he could do. For that's what he loved about Takumi. And now that he'd thought about it, Leo would have it no other way.


I did my best to write this nicely, but I feel like I wrote them really OOC or something. It just doesn't feel right/sound like my other fics to me :/ I'm hoping it's just the fact that I haven't written in a few weeks ^^" Of course I'll do my best to work harder and give you guys the best content that I can!! Thank you for reading! Fighting!!! <3 

Another announcement: I have camp this week so I'll see what I can push out tomorrow to hopefully upload sometime during next week. If you don't see anything till next weekend/possibly after that then I apologize again ;;; sorry for this turn of events D;

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