Zodiac Signs as Disney Pricesses

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Aries: Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves): carefree and responsible, you're probably the Designated Mom of your friend group. You're a dreamer, and can also be dramatic (due to the fact that you faked your own death and your friends didn't even bury you but put you in a glass coffin like wtf)
Taurus: Ariel (The Little Mermaid): you have a naturally curious personality, though you can jump from topic to topic easily and are sometimes forgetful. You're a romantic and fall easily in love. Ps can I have a thingamabob? I hear you have plenty.
Gemini: Jasmine (Aladdin): a calm, serious exterior but a soft heart inside. Brave, fearless, and cunning, and when you want something, you'll do anything to get it. Also you probably have a pet tiger. Nbd.
Cancer: Anna (Frozen): always the optimist, you can find the bright side in any situation. You keep persevering through tough times, but you can also be naive at times. You're not that good with keeping up with current events (considering you've been locked up in a castle almost your entire life)
Leo: Rapunzel (Tangled): you get easily excited, and you long to see the world for yourself. You don't like doing things that would hurt the ones you love, but sometimes your curiosity gets the better of you. Cabin fever is big with you, and you're talented in the arts.
Virgo: Aurora (Sleeping Beauty): you're kind and good with animals. You're responsible, but your head can be up in the clouds occasionally. You're also known to be very friendly towards both strangers and owls in long coats.
Libra: Cinderella (Cinderella): loyal, kindhearted, and great with animals. You're more traditional, and at the same time loved by all. Plus you talk to mice. It's fine. Everything's fine. You're fine.
Scorpio: Tiana (The Princess and the Frog): hard work is always the answer to you. You don't believe in fairy tales. However, you're a lover, and you'll keep pushing forward to achieve your dreams. How does it feel to eat a bug?
Sagittarius: Mulan (Mulan): defined by your morals, what you believe to be right is at the core of who you are. Your selflessness is admirable, and you can adapt well to any situation (fake it till you make it, amirite)
Capricorn: Belle (Beauty and the Beast): you have a thirst for knowledge that can't be quenched. You have an amazing capacity to love, and you're apparently great at pissing off giant furry beasts.
Aquarius: Elsa (Frozen): while you can be introverted, your heart is not unkind. You find it difficult to reach out to others, but a few close friends can penetrate that icy heart and make you warm up to them. (Like the ice puns? I came up with them myself)
Pisces: Pocahontas (Pocahontas): your curiosity often gets the best of you. You're known to be practically fearless, and you'll take risks to get what you want and what you know is right. Plus the wind sings to you (what a bonus)

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