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edited: 27/06/2017

Remy suppressed a yawn as Sarah babbled on about whatever movie it was that they were about to watch. She was acting as though they hadn't had an argument only last week, just as she always did, because neither of them truly cared enough to acknowledge it. If Sarah and Remy were really friends, they would have been upset by it, would have continued the argument further. Instead, both of them had swept it aside like dead leaves during autumn, because neither of them particularly cared if the other was angry, and neither of them wanted to waste their energy on a friendship that didn't really matter.

Remy was bored already, and they had not even got into the theatre yet. Much to Remy's dismay, the queue for the tickets was long, which meant she would have to endure at least ten minutes of Sarah's mindless chatter. She wished she could be content listening to it, content with having a mediocre life just as everybody else was, but she couldn't be. She was bored. She wanted something more, but she just didn't know what that was yet.

"So, has your mystery guy made a reappearance?" Sarah questioned suddenly, and Remy was surprised to see that the corners of Sarah's mouth were upturned as though she was mocking her. Sarah had never been scornful before; Remy always thought she was lacking such personality to show any sort of sardonic humour.

Remy sighed, gazing out of the window as if waiting for some sort of escape. "Funnily enough, yes, he has," she responded simply.

Sarah raised her eyebrows and pushed her glasses back up onto the bridge of her nose. "I was joking," she said, barely loud enough to be heard over the dull drone of other people's voices.

"Oh, sorry," Remy said with a false smile plastered on her face, "I thought you were actually interested. Never mind, then."

Sarah's usually colourless face flushed with colour, and Remy couldn't help but feel satisfied at the embarrassment she had caused as she returned to staring out of the window, admiring the way the rain trailed down the glass and fell into patterns. Her heart stopped suddenly as a figure raced past the glass. She had only caught a glimpse of him, and his features had been distorted by the rain, but she was sure it was the boy from the beach.

"That was him," she said urgently, pointing to the window even though he was long gone now. She glanced at Sarah desperately before, without any thought, she bent under the red rope in front of her and ran straight out of the cinema.

"Remy!" Sarah shouted behind her, and Remy groaned when she realised she was following her. Of course this was the one time that her friend had decided to act spontaneously. "Where are you going?"

She ignored her, following the figure round a corner and calling after him. "Oi, wizard guy!"

The boy stopped in his tracks, turning to look at her stonily. She was selfishly glad when he barely acknowledged Sarah. "What on Refilyn do you want now?" He pulled her into a narrow alleyway between two buildings, his long fingers wrapped around her forearm tightly and his eyes cautiously flashing from her to the street in front of him every few seconds.

Remy paused, her mouth open and ready for a response but her mind not giving one. What did she want with him? She had no excuse this time; they had not crossed paths. She had ran out of a cinema to see him, but why? And more than that, what on earth was Refilyn? Instead of bothering to ask, she turned to Sarah, whose eyes were wide as she caught her breath.

"I told you he was real," she said, motioning her hands toward him and ignoring him as he rolled his eyes. She couldn't help notice that he was dressed differently this time, with a simple black shirt that stuck damply to his torso and blue denim jeans. Still, his unusually bright eyes and natural allure made it clear he did not belong in a small town with small-minded people. Perhaps Sarah was too small-minded to notice that, though.

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