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1)Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.

2)We learn little from our successes, but a lot from our failures

3)The first reaction to truth is hatred.

4)Let your strengths overcome your weaknesses.

5)Never be too proud of who you are & what position you hold because after a game of chess the king & the puns are tossed into the same box.

6)I don't know who to trust anymore, it seems everyone I expect to help me up are the ones that pushed me down and the ones that I expected to push me down turned out to help me up.

Soooooooo I want to do a contest on book covers I will choose three winners

1) I will read, comment, and vote on all your books and a dedication

2) I will read your book and dedicate a quote to you
3) you'll get a dedication

The competition ends in two weeks so Friday 22,2016 Thank you lovies

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