Chapter 7: "Group Date"

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I couldn't believe that my plan to get to know Lorelei fell through. I mean, I guess I can see why it would've been ok if it had just been me, her, Danny and Lauren, I mean, she doesn't know me, so I guess that's what was going on with her being ok with that. But, come on! This huge group? I think that turn of events was all Danny, I have a feeling that he likes Lorelei and he wanted to make it a bit difficult for me to try to get her with me. But I know something he doesn't, Lauren kind of likes him, so the fact that he asked her may actually backfire on him, or maybe not, I mean, I don't want that to happen because that could mess up our friendship, but, ugh. Anyway, I know I'm not going to be sticking around with that huge group, so I'm going to try to sneak Lorelei and myself out of there while everyone else isn't paying attention.


So we pulled into the parking lot of a mall and all tumbled out of the car and Jack led the way to where we were going to eat our dinner, Dave and Buster's. Basically, the best way to describe it is a more adult Chuck E Cheese place. Also, unlike Chuck E Cheese's you can store up the points that you gained on the games if there's something that you really want, but you don't have points for after that day. We sat down at a table and ordered our drinks and an extra large pepperoni pizza. "You can go ahead and start playing games Jack, we'll tell you when the food gets here." Alex said, smirking because you could literally see Jack quaking and panting after the games, looking jealously towards the people that were wandering around to the different games. Everyone laughed when Jack launched out of his seat and to the games.

We all sat around and talked for a while, all the guys talking music, Lauren and Stephanie talking writing, and Hayley and I kind of sat there looking around. Travis seemed happy talking to everyone, but he also looked like he wanted to get out of here and kept glancing towards me. Ten minutes after Jack left the pizza came and Alex quickly texted him to come back for his food. He appeared quickly after and took his pizza. We all ate all the pizza we wanted and then gradually drifted off to the games with our various "dates."

I was about to go find a game to play when Travis grabbed my hand and said, "Hey, you wanna go ahead and see a movie, there's one starting soon." I looked between him and the games and said, "Alright let's go." "Cool," he said, smiling, "the others will find us later then." and we walked out of the Dave and Buster's and went to the mall movie theater.


I told Lauren to go on ahead to play games and that I'd be there in a minute, that I was running to the restroom. Really, I had a feeling that Travis was going to try to slide out. I had gotten the feeling that he wasn't happy that his original date had grown in size and was now four times the original size. But that hadn't been entirely my fault. I had originally suggested just doubling it, and then I couldn't refuse Jack and since Pete was there I had to be fair, and we needed Hayley to drive, and then Hayley kind of went ahead and invited Alex and Stephanie, so that part wasn't me. Though, Travis wasn't in that conversation, so I guess to him it could've seemed that that was what I had been doing, but it wasn't really. But for all he knew I was inviting everyone to come with us. But anyway, it's not my fault everything got blown up.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and started paying attention to where I was going. I then found that I had actually started heading towards the restroom and quickly redirected to our table. Upon finding nobody there I jogged towards the exit, but at this point it was too late, if they had left they were gone, but hopefully they were somewhere among the games. I sighed and made my way back to the games to find Lauren.


I smiled as I walked through the mall next to Lorelei. I wasn't holding her hand and my arm wasn't around her, but it still felt kind of good to see some guys looking after her and looking towards me with a bit of jealousy reflecting. That's not why I had wanted to get her to go to a date with me, but it still felt good. Occasionally Lorelei skipped a ways ahead and started twirling, as if listening to her own music and performing some form of ballet, but then she'd seem to remember where she was and would stop dancing around and would wait for me to catch up. I wonder what it was that made her do that, but whatever it was, I thought it was cute and each time she stopped twirling I wished she'd keep going.

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