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Author's note: I know it's been years since I last posted and there is probably still no one out there reading this. But I just wanted to make a PSA: I am still well and alive!! And I have more chapters in my drafts. I have been going through the growing pains of life but I am trying to get back on track with my reading and writing again.

I missed this so much!

Love always xxx


Although it felt like it would never come, Monday finally rolls around and my excitement to see Alex cannot be contained.

I wake up earlier , maybe even a little happier than usual. Urgh stop acting like a teenager with a crush and get yourself together Neonev, I think to myself as I make my way to the bathroom to hop into a steaming shower.


Arriving at the office I realise just how early I was, seeing that Lara hadn't even arrived yet. I walk into my office, take a seat and prepare myself for my first session of the morning. This is going to be one hell of a long day.


As I suspected, the day drags by painfully slow, so much so that I didn't even fully enjoy my favourite Brazilian blend at the café for lunch. It felt like years before 15:50 arrives. And when it finally does my tummy is in a knot and I don't know what to expect from the session.

Before I can think about it any further Lara buzzes in to let me know that my 15:50 is ready for me. My heart rate increases and my palms become clammy and I urge inner Neonev to contain herself. I even mentally slapped myself about 7 times before she comes walking through the door.

Her always perfectly styled hair is now replaced by an almost immaculate, combed-back look, like she had just jumped out of a shower and ran her hands through her hair. Her professional look is also exchanged, and this time instead of wearing her usual suit, she's wearing a tight fitted Nike t-shirt, a cuffed Nike track pants and a pair of Nike trainers, looking like she'd just jumped off the cover of Men's Health or something. (I don't think Woman's health would be appropriate.)

I might be staring a little too long, but who can blame me? She smirks knowingly, because I am so obviously checking her out. I quickly regain myself, and scrape together any self-dignity and professionalism I have left, clear my throat and speak up in a self-assertive tone.

"Good afternoon. Have a seat"

"Afternoon, sorry for the outfit, I had a late gym session and didn't have enough time to change before coming here."

"No problem, I told you before that I want you to be as comfortable as possible during sessions, so what you wear is up to you. As long as you're comfortable, then I am."

"Well being with you is comforting enough, you look beautiful today, by the way."

I can't contain my blush as those words leave her lips.

"Uhm, th-thank y-you" I stutter, trying to compose myself but failing horribly. "Uhh...let's fall into this session then. How are you this week?"


After the hour session I am all too happy for it to end because I don't think I can handle acting so composed when all I want to do is drool over how good she was looking and how wonderful she smells. So fresh and clean. Mmmh. And now that the session was over and she has to leave. I mentally pout for a good 5 seconds.

Urgh, I don't know what is wrong with me. We could never be.

I smile at her " have a lovely evening further Alex, and I'll see you at our next session"

What happens next, I am not at all prepared for.

Staring at me, a serious expression playing on her features she bluntly says, " cut the shit Neonev. Go on a date with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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