You are a Nightmare

15 0 1

July 12th 2016

You, are a nightmare. No matter where I am everything short lived is scary. Every time I sing praise for you I'm hated by others, and every sudden move is assumed or hated. Talk one and you think another, and the whole world sees how I feel. They yet do not understand how my brain works, they can only think they do through my written pieces scattered across the fields. You can think the same, but you can not think exact.

It is weird though, are you reading this? Are you my friend or my enemy? Are you afraid or in love with me? Are you here or are you gone? Who ever you are I hate you, and I love you.

You are just a dream, so let me wake up and breathe. Let me feel as if I am cared for and stop breaking the glass from the windows. I am here, I will not be anyone else, for I am who I am. I will not be like, act like, see like, hear like, taste like, or breathe like. I am me, and you, you are a nightmare.

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