05; Not Okay

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Scott and Stiles had been talking about Isaac's detention when a panicked Bev ran up to them, her eyes wide and breathing labored.

"Whoa, you okay?"

"I need you to hide me, cover me, something." She breathed, swallowing and pushing her hair back. "I may or may not have gotten detention, and my mom may or may not be on her way to murder me."

"Wha-" Stiles blinked, not used to someone matching his usual pace of speaking. "What'd you do?"

"I made a mess of the guidance counselor's office." Bev replied, wetting her lips and rolling her eyes before adding, "On purpose."

"Well that sounds-"

"Beverly Anne?" Beverly's eyes got even wider-the two boys didn't even know that was possible-when she heard her mother's shrill voice.

"Cover me."

"What? I don't know how to-"

Stiles didn't get to finish, the girl backing up against the locker and pulling him against her, pressing her lips to his.

Scott watched in disbelief, a short laugh escaping his lips and he watched Stiles hold himself up, his face a mask of surprise as he kissed her back.

Bev looked pleasantly surprised as well, Stiles's hand moving behind her neck as he kissed her alot better than she thought he could.

Bev's mother stalked by, her heels clicking dangerously along the tiled hallway before turning the corner.

"She's gone." Scott spoke up, Bev releasing a dazed Stiles.

"Thanks." She smiled, patting him on the chest and ducking around him before walking down the opposite way.

Scott looked back at Stiles, who slumped against the locker and blinked in shock .

"So, Stiles?" Scott asked, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Did you see Lydia's hair today?"

"Hair? Hmm?" Stiles breathed, looking over at him. "No, uh, no. You know who looks nice today?"


"Bev looks-wow." Stiles laughed, Scott just shaking his head and clapping his hand down on his shoulder.

"That's what I thought."

Neither of them saw Aiden standing down the hall, his jaw clenched angrily.

● ● ●

"Take a picture asshole, it'll last longer." Bev whispered as she glared at the Greenberg kid, who actually got his phone out. "It's an expression, douchebag."

He sheepishly put his phone back, Bev rolling her eyes and blowing a bubble with her gum.

"No gum in detention." Harris scolded, popping the bubble with his pen. "Nice to see you again, Erica."

Beverly gave him an exaggerated eye roll and laid her forehead on the table with a groan.

"She's not Erica." She looked up to see who had said it, her eyes landing on the pretty boy from that morning. "Erica is dead."

Bev flinched at his harsh tone, Harris just shrugging and moving on. She hid her phone underneathher desk and opened up safari, only being able to type 'Erica Re-" before her phone was snatched out of her hands.

"No phones, either." He snapped, Bev crossing her arms and slumping in her seat.


"The two of you, will go wash all the boards in this hall, reshelving the library," Harris picked each of the students, leaving Beverly, Allison, and Isaac. "Restocking the janitors closet."

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