15; I Would Never Hurt You Like That

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"This whole thing with Danny, it needs to stop."

"He's harmless." Ethan didn't even look at his brother, his voice dull and annoyed as he dug through his locker. "And Lydia's the one we're supposed to worry about."

"Then why are you still talking to Danny?" Aiden pressed, Ethan finally looking up at him.

"What difference does it make?" Ethan muttered, taking a textbook from his bag and sliding it into the locker.

"What do you think we're doing here?" Aiden asked, shaking his head. "You know we're not actual high school students, right? We're here to eliminate a threat, not hold hands and pass notes in class."

"And now we know he's harmless." Ethan stared at his brother, little to no expression on his face. "Threat eliminated."

"You're starting to like him." Aiden grinned, putting his forearm against the lockers to hold himself up.

"So what?" He looked down, grabbing a notebook from his locker as he avoided eye contact.

"So if Deucalion asks you, would you kill him?" His brother cocked an eyebrow, Ethan's jaw clenching.

"If Deucalion asks you, would you kill Beverly?" Ethan shot back at him, Aiden's face falling. "You know you sure sound like a hypocrite, battering me about Danny, when we both know that your heart races every time she walks into the room."

"That's different." Aiden scoffed, Ethan giving him a look as if to say 'is it though?'. He pushed himself off the lockers, stepping around him and whispering his next threat in his ear. "Stop talking to Danny, or I'm going to rip the flesh off his face and eat it."

Aiden slammed his locker shut before walking down the hall and around the corner, stopping at the drinking fountain to grab a drink. When he stood and turned around he came face to face with Lydia, who had a flirty smile on her face.

"Hey." Lydia touched his arm softly, cocking her head to the side. Aiden looked over her head, watching Beverly leave one of the classrooms. "How about we go someplace private and talk?"

"I'd rather not." Aiden replied, stepping around her and crossing the hall to where Beverly was standing. Lydia looked over at Scott and Stiles, shaking her head and throwing her hands up. "Hey, Bevie."

"Hey." Beverly blinked, feeling her cheeks heat up. "Can we talk about last ni-"

Aiden could hear Ethan about to turn the corner, his arms grabbing Beverly's shoulders and steering her towards Coach Finstock's office. Once they were inside he shut the door behind him, the blonde giving him a questioning look.

"Sorry, I just don't really like people hearing my business." Aiden said, rubbing the back of his neck. Ethan. He didn't want Ethan hearing his business, especially after threatening to eat his boyfriend's face. "But what did you want to discuss, exactly?"

"You kissed me." Beverly tried to keep up her unbothered exterior, standing up straighter. He could hear her heart pounding against her chest, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You kissed me back." Aiden replied, stepping closer to her. Beverly took a small step backwards, glancing behind her as she bumped into the desk. "And I'd like to bet you'd kiss me again."

"You don't know that." She cleared her throat, crossing her arms. She gulped when he took another step forward, trapping her between him and the desk.

The truth was, Beverly wanted to kiss him again. She really wanted to kiss him, but the part of her that was so stubborn didn't want him to know that. She kept letting her guard down around him, letting him past the hard shell she kept.

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