Chapter 1

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(Hello, this is my first fanfic and I love reading so I thought that I'd give writing a shot. Enjoy! There are some inappropriate things here so please don't feel offended or something. OH! And please remember that this is completely fictional. Harry will make an appearance later so please be patient. x)

Chapter 1

*Denise Higgin's POV*

What time is it?I groan as I slowly start to make sense of what happened last night. Great party, great people, not so great hang over. I hate this shit. That was the craziest weekend of my life. 5 parties in 48 hours. Whose house am I in again? I try to wake myself up as I rub my eyes with the back of my hand. It's too dark to make sense of where I am. I get out of bed, not my bed but whoevers bed this belongs to, and try to look for some kind of switch on the walls. I pat my pockets and try to feel around for my cell phone to make this journey just a tad easier. As I select the flashlight feature on my phone, I look at my surroundings and see the passed out girl on the other side of the bed. Brilliant. I'm at Stephanie's house. Too far of a walk to get to my Aunt's flat. Wait, I think I brought my car. Did I? This hangover isn't helping me at all. Where the hell does she keep her Tylenol? I quietly exit Steph's room and make my way to the restroom and rummage through the cabinets. No Tylenol here. Fuck it. I am in no mood to search for any more shit. I head out of the restroom and go down to the living room in hopes that I'll see my car keys lying on the ground. This headache is just going to get worse when I get home. I already know my Aunt's going to bite my head off for staying out all weekend. But what's new, she always screams. Always trying to threaten me that she'll send me off to my brother. But she's nothing but empty threats so I don't really care. She would never send me to him anyways. She knows how much I hate him.

"Good morning." An unusual high and preppy voice says in the corner.

I turn around to look who said that and I see Steph's mom. "Morning, Mrs. Delago." I politely say back. Or try to say back. I don't like talking to people at all. I wonder if she's seen my car keys. Knowing Steph she probably threw them somewhere when her brother was trying to get our drunk asses into the house.

"Would you like some coffee, Denise?" Mrs. Delago asks me.

It's 5 AM. What is she doing up this early? As if she could read my thoughts she says, "I'm going to the gym since I have no time during the day to go because of work." That's right, she's some big director to some firm or something. I don't really care what she does. If Steph wasn't my best friend, I'd probably tell her that I didn't care but I have come to the terms that I should respect her.

I quickly take her upon that offer of coffee. Ah, this feels nice. I can feel the hot coffee make its way down my throat. This somewhat helps soothe this damn headache.

"Mrs. Delago, have you seen my car keys by any chance? I'm not too sure where they are."

"They're by the door, sweetie. I picked them up from the floor while I was coming into the kitchen."

"Thank you." I don't know what I would do if I lost my car keys. It's enough that I'm going to get lectured but the fact that I have to call my aunt to get the spare keys would be terrifying. I would get the screaming of my life. My thoughts get interrupted when Mrs. Delago clears her throat.

"How was the party last night?" she asks with a grin on her face. I nearly spit my coffee unto the table. Why would this woman want to know how the party went?

"Well, it was, erhm. Interesting. We had fun." Your daughter took off her top and danced on tables with her breasts in plain sight whilst I was busy drinking bottles of vodka to even tell her to stop. I also punched a guy for touching my ass and Steph made out with that same guy so yeah, it was interesting. Imagine the look on that woman's face if I actually told her that.

"That's good. Well, don't be afraid to eat whatever you want for breakfast. I've got to get going to the gym. Take care, Denise and I'll see you around!" she hastily puts her cup into the sink and heads out the door.

The fact that her mom has no idea how crazy Steph can get at a party humors me. Steph does all this crazy shit and I'm just the heavy drinker. I don't like taking my top off and as intoxicated as I am, or get, I still know what I'm doing. I don't understand how she can make out or just have sex with any stranger. I can barely look at a guy without his shirt.

How do I explain Stephanie? She's been my best friend since my Mom dumped me in America with her sister. We met in the 5th grade and we immediately knew we would be by each other's side for the rest of our lives. Yeah, she's my best friend but I don't talk to her about my family, if that's what you even call them. She knows not to ask because I hate talking about it. It's been 7 years and we graduated high school last year. She's in college but I'm not into that whole college shit right now. I spent 12 years of my life in school and I'm not ready to spend 4 more at some college with people who don't give a shit about what you do yet you still have to tell them to make conversation. Stupid shit honestly. College parties are a different thing though. Now that's some fun shit to attend. I've got friends who are in their 3rd or 2nd year so they always invite me. Besides, I'm a happy drunk and don't kill everyone's joy unlike 60% of the people in it.

I look down on my watch and see that it's nearly a quarter to 6. Fuck. I have work in about 3 hours, an hour of my Aunt's useless lecture, and this hangover doesn't even look like it's going anywhere anytime soon. I stand up and dump my cup in the sink. I wonder how mad my Aunt is.

"Fuck," I breathe out as I check my phone. "23 missed calls and 9 texts." After seeing that, I know that I just saw the answer to my question. She is pissed off as fuck. With that thought in my head, I quickly make my way to the door and grab my car keys.

"This is going to be a long day." I sigh under my breath as I start my car and pull out of the driveway.

(Hiiiiiiii! Thank you so much for reading this and I'm looking forward to posting up the next chapters. I want to apologize for making this chapter too long! I don't really like short chapters and detail means everything to me! Please don't forget to vote and share this with your friends! Xx)

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