Unspoken Voice

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I'm fine

(no your not)

I always wear a smile

(its not real)

I don't think about suicide

(yes you do)

I eat every meal

(no you don't)

I don't throw up

(then what's in the trash?)

I don't cut my skin

(then why are there scars andopen cuts)

I love my life

(why do you wish for a different one?)

I never cry myself to sleep

(then why is your pillow wet)

I have had enough

(I know you have)

This is my last day I'm ending it

(but I'm here for you)

As this razor blade kisses my skin

(I have always been here! Don't end it!)

I will take my last breath

(If you leave then I won't have a reason worth living for)





(I was there for him/her as the unspoken voice. I watched him/her in the halls. Always wanting to talk to them. But never knowing how. Its my fault. I will welcome death with open arms. I will see him/her on the other side.)


Authors Note:

I know this isn't a poem but I thought of this while thinking to myself and I didn't know where to put it. I hope you understand it.

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