Bryce Welsh

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Name: Bryce Welsh

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Relationship: none / Leviathan Mentzing and Maria Grace Telesco (Cannon endgame)

Model: Tim Borrmann

Personality / Bio:

Bryce is a chill sort of person. He prefers not to involve himself in drama, personal or otherwise. Because of his inexperience at dealing with personal issues, when Bryce does face a dilemma, he isn't fully prepared emotionally. His parents raised their children in an idyllic lifestyle, so negative feelings don't come to light often. Bryce just deals by being quiet and bottling it all up.

Bryce has a younger sister. His family is as American as apple pie, some might say. Family bonding, sibling squabbles, helping dad with the car and mowing the lawn, shooting hoops after a hard day at work. They were upper middle class with a nice house. Family life was cosy unlike his friends. Bryce and his sister went to public school.

Bryce had dated girls before. Sweet little romances. He was a boy-next-door that dated girl-next-doors. Breakups went like this: one moved to another state, one realised that they were better off friends, and he broke up with one when he was faced with a dilemma about his sexuality.

Bryce broke up with the last girl mainly because of Levi. At first, Bryce didn't know why he thought about Levi all the time and preferred to be with him over any of the girls he was dating. Only when he realised he had homosexual feelings did Bryce calm down and break up with the girl. From there, there were no more panic attacks. He was chilled out and ready to tackle the Levi issue subtly. He wanted to suss out the situation between Levi and Lucy before he moved in. Bryce never got his chance until a few years later though.

Having thought he was straight, Bryce's parent's never fully take to his relationship with Leviathan. Instead, they would adore Maria and ignore Levi fully.

Fun Facts:

1. Bryce once broke his nose playing basketball by running into the hoop pole. He stuck it out to dunk his friends on the b-ball court. Nothing gets in the way of Bryce's love for sport.

2. Bryce dropped out of high school half way through his last year. He volunteered abroad to give back to the community and to not think about himself or any negative feelings he might have had. He's picked up some language from his travels and speaks it very badly.

3. He's a romantic at heart. He falls a bit in love with everyone he meets.

4. Likes banana flavoured gum.

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