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I CAN STILL HEAR HIM his voice - his breath - his laugh - the sound his shoes make when he'd step towards me -

I CAN STILL FEEL HIM his fingers grazing my cheek - how he sliced through the air to press his lips to mine - his hands on my body - his eyes on my back from across the block -

I CAN STILL SMELL HIM his tacky deodorant - the cheap drugstore cologne - our bedroom and the days spent in it - his breath when we were that close -

I CAN STILL TASTE HIM cheddar cheese crisps - barbeque sauce - meatlovers pizza - mandarin peels

I CAN STILL SEE HIM his eyes - his hands shoved into his hoodie pocket - his lips quivering when you brought up something he didn't want to talk about - the way he looks into your soul when you smile at him for too long

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