Chapter 1: Humdrum Revenge.

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"Where are we going?", Snow White asked with a shaky voice, her husband lying limp in her arms.

"Somewhere horrible, absolutely horrible, a place where the only happy ending will be mine", she answered, pure delight written on her face as her curse flooded the palace.

Sometimes she wished she could go back in time, scream to herself "Don't do it! Don't go, you idiot!".

Regina sat on the edge of her queen size bed, she looked around the room. "Another happy day in humdrum town", she thought to herself, walking to the window.

"A place where the only happy ending would be mine," she snorted wryly.

A few minutes later the Mayor was ready for another boring day of work. She was sure she had important matters at the Town Hall, important matters that she had to carry out immediately. Wasn't it always like that? Wasn't it like that every day of her boring life?

"Good day Madam Mayor, I have some urgent city taxes for you to approve and you have an appointment scheduled with the sheriff at ten and another with the Fire Marshal at twelve", her assistant informed as she always did.

"I have other urgent matters to attend today, please reschedule the appointments for tomorrow and pass the tax reports to my desk when they are ready to sign", she replied monotonously, she had that line memorized probably after the second day she arrived in town.

"They already are on your desk".

"Of course they are," she rolled her eyes, entering her office.

One minute after she sat down on her desk she had finished signing the reports, not that she needed to since she would have to do it again the next day anyway, she just did it more out of routine rather than need.

"Which peasant's boring life should we spy on today?", she asked, drumming her fingers on the desk in front of the middle-sized mirror she kept over its wooden surface, pretending that the meditation on the matter made any difference.

She already knew every single detail of every single life of every single citizen in Storybrooke, from the hour they used to wake up to what meals they would eat that day and the clothes they would wear, who they would meet in the street during the day or at work and every single conversation the would hold with everyone.

She had watched everything so many times she could repeat the dialogues as if they were the lines of her favorite movie if she had a favorite movie for that matter.

The brunette turned around in her chair facing the window behind her desk.

"Mirror mirror on the wall show me someone I don't know", Regina spoke her wishes knowing nothing would happen, the magic of the mirror was limited in this land, the mirror came from the Enchanted Forest and therefore it only showed the lives of people that came from the Enchanted Forest as well. There was no one from the enchanted forest that she hadn't already watched at least ten times, after all, she had been trapped in the curse for more than five years, all by herself. Consciousness was the real curse of the dark curse.

"Get out of the way, pipsqueak", the sound of a shrill voice echoed behind her back.

"That's impossible", she muttered, spinning her chair around to face the mirror.

Regina's eyebrows darted up as she watched the events happening in front of her.

"You are better off on the floor with your kind, bug!", the same voice continued, it came from a roughly ten years old fat boy that was now pushing a little blonde girl at least five years younger than him down to the floor.

His voice was followed by the laughter of other children she couldn't see from the current position of the mirror and then by the sound of several footsteps getting away.

The little girl remained sitting on the floor, she hugged her legs and buried her face in her knees. Her little sobs filled the air of the tiny bedroom.

"Stupid little peasants", Regina let out upset by their behavior towards the girl.

What happened next rendered Regina speechless. The girl lifted her head quickly from her knees and her bright green eyes fixed on hers. The little blonde's cheeks were still damp from her tears but her eyebrows rose in the air with surprise.

It was not possible, it almost seemed like the girl was seeing her. No, it was not possible at all. Her mind was playing tricks on her.

"Hi! Who are you? I'm Emma. You are pretty Ma'am", the little girl said, smiling wide.

Regina's eyes widened even more.

AN/: I'm planning to continue this story very soon, so since I wrote it a while ago I thought it would be better to check on the grammar and every mistake I can pinpoint, so you must find certain changes here, and if there were any inline comments they will probably be all lost after I finish, I'm sorry for that.

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