The Signs As Suburban Moms

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a r i e s
Jennifer, age 30
an alcoholic who lets her kids run wild but still shows up to school functions so it looks like she's trying

t a u r u s
Ramona, age 37
a stay at home mom obsessed with interior decorating who spends over $20,000 a year at Homegoods.

g e m i n i
Lyn, age 38
a confident mom who flirts with married men even though she herself is married and posts too much on social media.

c a n c e r
Pat, age 41
a loving mom who already has six kids but wants to push for one more because she loves the whole process of raising a child

l e o
Stella, age 36
a "younger" mom who is an ex Broadway star and likes to tell stories about her "dazzling" experiences on the stage and rant about how her kids are sure to follow.

v i r g o
Courtney, age 45
a traditional mom who doesn't let her kids dye their hair and thinks college is the most important thing ever.

l i b r a
Katherine, age 42
a gossiper who is obsessed with high school reunions and going to sorties and socializing.

s c o r p i o
Kelly, age 39
a widow who is doing her best to provide for the kids but is grief stricken since losing her husband.

s a g i t t a r i u s
Georgina, age 38
a firecracker mom who brings everyone on road trips across the country and likes to skydive.

c a p r i c o r n
Susan, age 42
a self proclaimed "tiger mom" who pushes her kids to learn instruments and achieve perfect grades so they can show the world their potential.

a q u a r i u s
Harriet, age 37
an artist who keeps to herself and doesn't really show up at PTA meetings because everybody there is boring.

p i s c e s
Christina, age 40
a super lenient mom who won't get mad at her kids for drinking or anything like that but rather try to understand why they did it and try to help.

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