Chapter 3

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Dean was calm, relaxed and focused because he knew that him and his crew will save his brother from another mother no matter what. 

Dean was humming to a little tune of Hands to Myself by Selena Gomez but with absolute swearing to entertain everyone in the train.  "Erm, Dean is it appropriate?" said Cesaro confused which Dean replied "Yes, The thought of this song made me go bonkers and touch myself too many times." That made Taylor giggled a little bit and winked at Dean as Dean and Taylor both smiled at each other.

Shah was reading one of his favourite fanfics on Wattpad which is Leave Him Alone.  Everyone was intrigued of this story. Dean, Taylor and Karmy was crying a little bit because of Chapter 30 and Chapter 39 of this book. "That's so f**king beautiful!" said Karmy as Bubba Ray handed her a tissue as she blows her nose really loudly.

Dean was so shocked because he found really intriguing. "Hey, Guys, There's something I want to show you." Everyone was at Dean's front window as he let the train in invisibility mode so that they won't be caught. A mysterious group who were wearing Seth Rollins' masks carrying someone in a wheelchair inside their secret hideout. As the blanket were accidently removed, an emotional and terrified Roman Reigns screaming for help. Everyone was in shock including Dean. Dean was silently crying to see Roman in this state. "We need to get Roman back and after that we all need to deal with these b*****s!" said an emotional Dean Ambrose as him and his team were determined to get Roman back.

Shah: Anyways thank you so much for reading this chapter,  I know it's a bit boring but when I do the next chapter, It will be EPIC!

Dean: And I mean EPIC, You mean Explosions, Action, Blood and sexy moments like me getting shirtless or me kis....

Shah: DEAN!!!! Don't spoil the surprise! No matter what it will be epic, just you wait.

Dean: Anyways Shah is dedicating to @theslkwerewolf for this amazing story that he read.

(Shah groaned)

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